Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Snow to green grass almost instantly

Yesterday evening, the lab trio and I did an easy hike through the meadow. S still enthusiastically hikes but our hikes are getting shorter and easier for his sake. The misty wet world still surrounded us, with droplets clinging to the thirsty plants, including the Pasqueflowers who'd closed their petals against the cold.
This morning dawned warm and springy. K and I rolled across the meadow, which is showing stirrings of life. K only ran a short distance with me because her recurring hives are not permanently vanishing. We're desperately searching for the culprit because we want to avoid another severe, life-threatening, allergic episode like a few weeks ago. But, she was along side me when we rolled through the greening meadow.
The green grass contrasts sharply with the meadow 3 weeks ago. When the skies dropped 4 1/2 feet of snow on us, I lamented that I wouldn't be biking on dirt until July. I was wrong! With the sun so high in the sky, the snow has melted at record pace.
I may be jinxing us, but I think that spring is here. The bare skeletons of aspens in the foreground have hints of red and green in their branches and will be lush with green leaves very soon!
One aspen tree caught my eye when I looked up at a bird. Look at those infant leaves!
I rode through dense aspen groves today. Before long, they'll be tunnels of green with delicate columbine flowers carpeting the grove floors.


  1. Great comparison photographs of the meadow. Glad that S had a good day on Sunday. Can't wait to see the columbine blooming.

  2. Loved the two pictures of the meadow,with and without snow. Just looking at your blog has become a morning routine - seeing snow has a wonderfully refreshing effect and counters the ever increasing temperatures here.

  3. I'm glad spring has arrived for you there - you were making me cold!

    I hope you get K's allergy figured out soon! That's scary!


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