Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Spectacular hike

K and I hiked high into the sky today.
We two girls had a spectacular adventure together.I treasure every day I get to spend in the mountains with her.I'll post more about our hike tomorrow when I'm not so pleasantly tired!


  1. Oh my! That is SUCH a great picture of you and your chocolate girl!!! I got the best smile from that :) :) :)

    Can't wait for more words and pics!

  2. great to see you in the pic! wish i could hike up high in the snow, just gorgeous.....
    years ago, my dad and i hiked up at Alta in the summer and found some snow...did a little shoe skiing...

  3. I think I love post-hike naps with the dogs as much as I love the hikes. You girls rest and recoup.

  4. Any hike in the mountain with The Herd is a spectacular day in my books!


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