Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Late summer creeps up

Today, I'm taking a break from my vacation stories and will resume them tomorrow.

K and I have been reacquainting ourselves with our stomping grounds on our morning bike rides. Her chocolate fur glowed in the sun on a recent morning. She looks incredibly healthy in this photo but I've been seeing signs of fearfulness that concern me about her thyroid status. So, we visited the vet, again, today.Some flowers still shine here. Goldenrod tints the ground yellow. As I rode past a Goldenrod flower the other day, red and black beetles crawled all over it.When got off my bike to look more closely, I saw that they were taking advantage of the waning days of summer. Time to make progeny!My favorite aster has been brilliantly blooming over the past week. It's a bittersweet flower for me. I love its colors but it's always one of the last wildflowers of the year.


  1. Yes, I'm afraid summer is drawing to an end. But there is still plenty of good weather yet to enjoy.

  2. Hope the thyroid tests all come out fine, K.

  3. i can't believe it is the end of august already! but my favorite time is the fall, and i love snow....so looking forward to what is coming...
    is K on synthetic hormones? (maybe we already talked about this, but i forgot?)
    hope all is well with her...
    beautiful pictures as always! :)

  4. I hope you get K's thyroid dose figured out! (Any changes in head shape/expression?)

  5. Yep. It has felt like autumn here for a while now. When the yellow and purple asters bloom, you know it's nearly time for snow.

    I hope you can get K's levels stable again. Her face does look a little different today.

  6. KB...hubby and I watched a program on Bears earlier that was pretty scary. Do you carry pepper spray with you on your rides?

  7. Carol - I do carry pepper spray but not because of bears. Rather, having coming face-to-face with a lion once and seen them fleetingly quite a few times, I decided to get some form of defense. The bears always run away from me... The only people around here who have problems dealing with bears on the trails are the ones who don't respect the cardinal rule that you absolutely must stay away from the cubs. No matter what - back away and let mom and cubs flee together. I honestly don't get scared when I see bears as long as mom and the cubs are together. But, these are black bears and not grizzlies.

    My husband always jokes that the most likely use of my pepper spray is against an aggressive human! Sadly, he's probably right.


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