Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Dodging storms up high

The sounds of play growling and gnashing of teeth have warmed my heart lately. When K is self-assured, she can play with abandon. She and R become much closer friends when she's not afraid.
This morning, we awakened to a clear day, with little chance of storms, according to the forecast. I checked our view of the Divide - and it beckoned me up for a hike with K. The season for alpine hiking will slam closed sometime soon when the first big snow hits the peaks. With that thought, I decided that today we would climb among those peaks rather than gaze at them from afar.
After leaving the high altitude trailhead, we climbed upward, toward that alpine tundra that draws me like a magnet. We arrived at a dizzying view just as the last ray of sun touched us.
Then, we hurried and scurried downward in a race with the storms. I wished that I could become a rock and let gravity do the work of pulling me down below treeline. A rock would tumble and rumble down the mountainside much faster than I was moving.
We made it without any close calls with lightning although we did hike through light snow and then rain. I'll post more about our adventure when I'm not so tired. But, perhaps my fatigue freed my psyche to produce the goofy rhyming in the previous paragraph!


  1. I sure do love the ever changing and unpredictable weather in the mountains.

    Reminds me of the time I came off a trail to a camp store near a federal park campground. It was foggy, rainy, and about 42 degrees - nice miserable cold weather. A gentleman was standing in the store and asked me what the weather forecast was. I answered with all sincerity - clear, sunny, and 60. He thought I was being funny. Welcome to the mountains.

  2. Kia Ora KB,
    A race with the storms, I love it, very wild. John Muir would have loved this walk. Have a great weekend.

  3. I enjoyed my visit to your blog...Your Labs are beautiful!

  4. beautiful, just beautiful....your blog always leaves me with a feeling of peace....a good way to start my day and end it!

  5. Methinks that any rumbling and tumbling down the mountain would be followed by much moaning and groaning. I'm glad you took the slow way down!

  6. We have learned never to trust the weather reports. We just check a couple of weather cams and take our chances. Fortunately we like (and usually prepare for) all sorts of weather. Unfortunately we cannot do one thing about the lightning.


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