Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy day

A kaleidoscope of colors accompanied the sun as it rose yesterday.
Later in the day, the dogs swam and retrieved with wild abandon, along with their friend E.Neck and neck, K and E swam like seals toward a stick.
They carried it to shore together.
K took a leap wild leap.
And, R defied gravity, just for an instant.
Although our dogs wanted to play in the water all night long, we departed as the sky began to fade behind the mountains. Their spirit, zest, and love of life make my life so much fuller.


  1. i couldn't agree more! nothing better than watching dogs frolick!

  2. Seeing 2 dogs share a toy or a stick like that is one of my favorite things.

  3. Dogs can teach us so much about the joys of play. Such carefree abandon and so awesome.

  4. Heard K was sick and wanted you to know she is in our thoughts, as are you.

  5. Such wonderful, fun photos! But I heard K was sick and my thoughts are with you. I'm hoping I'll read tomorrow that everything is okay.

  6. Looks like an awesome time! But reading the other comments has me worried - what's wrong with K? I hope that she's okay!

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