Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Red fox and K's tuffet

A red fox visited our territory last night. At first, he sniffed the ground, likely searching for mice under our bear-proof birdfeeding station.
Then, something behind him caught his attention. Isn't he a handsome canine? When our wildlife camera captured his photo for the first time weeks ago, I wondered if he was passing through, on an adolescent's journey to find his own territory. His continuing presence makes me wonder if he's settled on our forest as his territory.
This morning, as K and I rolled out for a short and slow bike ride, she sniffed the ground intently where the red fox had stood hours before. It's so fun that our motion activated wildlife camera tells me what visitor she smells!

We rode up to Hug Hill, where misty and murky air surrounded us. K posed for me. She looked so serious - like she was deeply concerned about something.The ghostly light highlighted the brilliant aspens.And, although it hid our high mountains, the smaller hills looked surreal in the gloom.K zoomed around like her normal high energy self as we whooshed through yellow tunnels of aspen. I kept her outing short but she seemed even more like her normal vivacious self today.R's energy levels were off the charts today. As usual when he's frustrated by feeling too wired, he gathered almost all of the dog beds, dragging them one-by-one from the far reaches of the house, and placed them in a pile. Normally, his next step is to move all the beds, one-by-one, to another location in the house. However, K stymied him by lying on the lumpy and uneven tuffet! R barked at her and tried to pull a bed out from under her but she wouldn't budge. I wish I'd had time to video the whole hysterical interaction.


  1. Guess sometimes after a great day you need to lay on your bed and keep it there!

  2. Hi KB

    So R's the youngster with a great sense of mischief in her...
    K does look awfully serious and melancholy...today at least...

    Happy days

  3. i can imagine the interaction....R trying to pull the bed out from under K...so funny....never a dull moment with dogs!
    beautiful fox....i had a dream about a fox last night.....
    glad K is feeling good! thanks for your comments, i love hearing from you!

  4. Love the red fox picture. Must get myself a wildlife camera like that. Would love to know what the dogs are sniffing in the morning.

    And chuckling at the bed stacking. Always funny how one dog can stymie another's game.

  5. That is so funny. Ginko uses that same frustration bark, while kind of laughing with his face, when Lilly ruins some task of his. They have IMPORTANT work to do.

  6. Hmph - I tried posting a comment earlier, but cyberspace gremlins must have eaten it. Anyway, K looks like the princess and the pea in that picture - many beds, but it still doesn't look all that comfy!

    I'd love to get a wildlife camera at some point, and see who is tromping through the woods at night.

  7. For those of you who expressed interest, the wildlife camera that I have is shown at:


    They sell a variety of them. Many of them are infrared so they don't emit a big flash that might scare an animal. The tradeoff is that the IR ones give black and white photos.

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