Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Frosty Sunday

A frosty day dawned, making me forget all the tiny signs of spring from the past week - the migrating Loggerhead Shrike, the drumming woodpeckers, and a warm day. They felt like ancient history.
This morning, my chocolate sweetie porpoised through deep snow, made almost bottomless for her over this weekend.
Using a wildlife camera, I discovered one of the 'secret passages' used by coyotes to move to and fro our clearing. He chose to move through deep powder!
Winter rules here in the mountains. But, we're a tough and crazy bunch who embrace it!


  1. I couldn't let Khyra see this post!

    She would have demanded a trip to CO!

  2. In that case, paint me crazy. I wouldn't have it any other way. The again, I only have to worry about bears here. :)

  3. We in Minniesnowda will have winter through March, usually an annual Ice Storm about St. Patrick's Day, and often into April. I remember as a kid walking to school the first week of May, with no jacket on, and walking home through a snowstorm.
    So what I am saying is, I don't get yearny for Spring for quite a while yet!

    Stella loves to plunge through deep so like K was doing. She wants whats under there!

    Cheers and hugs,
    Jo and Stella

  4. Could K be any happier?
    I think not!

  5. You are indeed a tough bunch! Look after yourselves, stay warm and positive. K's in blissful, abandoned snowy delight!

  6. K teaches us how to embrace everyday and all conditions!
    hope this is a great week for all of you...
    how is R's leg healing?

  7. K doesn't seem to mind one bit! We woke up to a similar scene today, after almost all of our snow melting away. I'm not as excited about it as K seems to be, though!

  8. The OP Pack thinks it is beautiful in your part of the world right now. All we got was a lot of rain, freezing rain, sleet, and a tiny dusting of snow. We would love to bound through that snow with your chocolate sweetie.

    Woos, Phantom, Thunder,and Ciara

  9. Love winter too!! The freshies, and swimming through the powder...but only get it in small (mostly weekend) doses. All good fun! Love the shot captured from the still camera.

    Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
    Sierra Rose


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