Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Dogs romping in deep spring snow

The duo and I plodded out into the deep snow, tromping through it with snowshoes. Early in the morning, the air was still freezing (5°F) and the snow light and powdery. The snow-laden trees contrasted with the deep blue sky.
As we passed a snow-carpeted boulder, K clambered to the top for a view and gave me a photo-opportunity.
R hasn't developed the same love of standing tall atop boulders so his spontaneous photo ops are less impressive.
R remained mired down in the deep snow near the boulder base.
Shortly later, R goaded K into raucous play.
And they sprinted away, kicking up a cloud of powder, while carrying a stick.
After climbing and working up a sweat in the frigid air, we found views to the mountains that sit to our west, towering behind R and K.
I loved having both of the duo with me. R brings out the playful side in K and me. He's good for both of us!
I have to admit that my spine is protesting the sudden intrusion of big snowshoes into my life. Walking in them has caused me pain for years but cross country skiing is forbidden right now while my spine is healing. Since I can't bear to miss a day like today in the forest, I plodded in my cumbersome snowshoes. It was simply a glorious day!

I promise another bear video tomorrow. It's currently uploading, at a snail-like pace, to Youtube.


  1. I love the pictures of the labraduo playing in the snow! In some of them it looks like K tries so hard to be the responsible older sister while R just can't repress his inner child. That one picture looks like he's trying to balance the snow on his nose! I love seeing what you guys have been up to every day!

  2. How in the world did you end up living in Paradise! I look at your photos and all I can think of is Creation and beauty and serenity and love and comfort and...and...

    This blog is my woobie!

  3. All photos today were photo ops. I looooved the one of the two running away with the stick, making the powder fly. Gorgeous really.

  4. Great views of the two of them romping happily away. Spring snow is joyous - there is something about its texture and colour that heralds the start of the warmer seasons. Scientists here say that after the worst winter in 45 years the spring flower display has so much stored energy that it should be spectacular.

  5. what wonderful pictures of the two romping in that beautiful snow!!! how i love spring in colorado! (when i lived in Breck, the spring skiing was my fav!!)
    hope your less painful today...

  6. We had snow yesterday and got a nice blanket of the white stuff, but we can't hold a candle to the beauty you have there. I am really looking forward to springtime, but the pups sure do love the return of winter even if only for a few days. Take it easy out there. We are sure it is different for you but it is hard for us to believe it has already been two months since your surgery. Hope things continue to go well.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  7. Spring in the Rockies, eh?
    Hugs and bellyrubs to K and R,

  8. We were visiting Sugar and thought we'd drop by & visit you. Beautiful pics & pups. Really enjoy our visit. Labs are great. We loved Colorado when we visited there. We will stop by from time to time to visit.
    Ernie, Sasha, Chica

  9. Oh so perfect! Those scenes are out of some fictional winter Shangri La movie! Love K on the rocks and the duos' wonderful play with that stick - pure joy! Thanks for the smiles!
    Hugs xo

  10. It is currently 73 degrees -

    Khyra says she would like to borrow some of your snow!

    Thanks for the great shots -

  11. Glorious blue skies, KB. I wanted to mention how much I enjoyed that bruised and stormy sky in your last post. (Almost makes the snow worth it!) Take care of yourself - don't strain the neck...

  12. What beautiful pictures! I am so jealous of R and K! What fun! I wish I was there to play with you two dogs! You sure looked like you were having a blast! But seriously, snow, cold, mountains - how could you not have fun?! :->

    Sorry to hear your mom's spine hurts. Hope she heals and feels better very soon!


  13. Our snow "storm" is fizzling - 2-4 inches is the current prediction. The Labraduo sure looked like they had fun.

  14. I heard you got another storm, but wow! We are bare at this point, and I honestly miss the pristine purity of a snowscape. But I'm happy the snowshoes won't be needed again. Sounds like your back would agree...

  15. The photos of K and R in the snow made me laugh. R looks like he thinks wearing snow on his nose is a fashion statement.

    I hope the paths are better for plain hiking (and biking) soon. I can't believe how much snow you have!


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