Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, March 29, 2010

KB and the Three Bears

After an early bike ride by myself, the two pups and I snowshoed out the back door into our glorious world.
The photo of the mountains emanates wintery cold but little signs of spring are sprouting - a sprig of green here or there where the snow has melted, and a pair of red-winged blackbirds in a willow bush on the edge of a meadow. Only one is in the photo below.
Our hike felt wintery as we traipsed through deep snow up a forested slope, following the bounding tracks of mule deer. The mule deer fled our neck of the woods for a week or so after successive storms hammered us with feet of snow. At least a pair of deer have returned.

After trudging through endlessly deep snow up the steep hill that the mule deer had climbed, we left the darkness of the forest and walked on the crust of a snowy meadow. Obviously, this meadow contains the best wriggling snow of the year!
We climbed from there to a high point, where K towered over us like a bohemoth!
It was another gorgeous day on the Front Range with my two pups!

Recently, I visited the bear den (without the dogs) to exchange memory cards in my wildlife cameras and made an exciting discovery. Three bears inhabit that small den! Because they'd never been outside together, I didn't know that identical cubs were snuggled into the den.

In my almost 1200 photos, two nearly identical yearling cubs and a mother played together like raucous teenagers. I don't know how much longer they'll stay in the den - but I had guessed based on our high altitude weather that it would be at least another month. We'll see!


  1. OH MY!

    That last picture is so cute!

    Of course, so are your Snow Angels too!

  2. I love that last picture! Spring surprise! I'm glad you posted it today. On Thursday I might not have believed you. They do look like a happy family there!

    I had to smile at the wriggle in the snow picture, too! I'm glad to hear that the snow hasn't stopped any of you from doing what you love!

  3. What an exciting discovery! Two bears was a cool enough phenomenon, but three? It is so nice to see what goes on in their lives!

    I, too, have begun noticing the signs of spring as I drive on the road that cuts through the woods (which I travel very often), though I'd guess that our spring comes sooner than yours does.

  4. Awesome snow wriggling! And the photo with the cubs is cute. You didn't mention winds but SMRP did. The weather doesn't seem to be slowing you down any. Well, it never does... I hope you are feeling better.

  5. Those wriggling pics look just like the snow surfing yellow Labs from Vermont. Have you seen the video?
    Love seeing the cubs at play!!

  6. I can't wait to see the three bears
    Playing together. I wonder if they plan to visit nearby homes for porridge!

    The pups were having a merry time of it and I'm glad you did too.

    Jo and Stella

  7. what a wonderful surprise! twins!
    summer here in KC....temps in the s

  8. We just love reading your blog and looking at all of your pictures. You are an inspiration.

    That last photo is great! Love the bears :)

    Pugs & Kisses,

    Yoda & Brutus

  9. That last picture of mother and two cubs is quite wonderful.

  10. Those are amazing pictures - but the bears at the end are just too cute!

  11. The wriggling picture made me want to go out and roll around in the snow! Even though I'm ready for spring...

    I'm so excited to see there are twins! Way cool!

  12. Twin cubs! What a special treat. Take care out there on the bike. My injured player took a walk down through the woods to the creek. Still using the cane, but getting better. Both of you seem to be improving!

  13. Twins! Mama has her paws full. I'm wondering if it was warm today in your part of CO? If so, your 3 bears may soon be foraging...Enjoy this little respite of sunny, warm weather, KB.

  14. Twins. Twins. Twins. @#$@#$@ Twins!

    That is so amazing.

  15. Wow, the surprises in the forest never end! You captured such a fun moment with both K and R snow scratching.

  16. Okay, three bears it's too much. It must be a large cave. What a great photo moment with the two playing and the other one looking so stern.

  17. Greetings KB, So glad to read you are not only hiking and snow shoeing but also biking-wow what a recovery girl but it doesn't surprise me at all.
    Have a great week; hear snow is up in the mountain tops again-don't know about you but I am ready for spring.


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