Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Labraduo and bear den activities

The Labraduo and I hiked together this morning.
Both pups sprinted through soft snow in the midst of an aspen grove. R galloped with abandon.
K loped with ease.
Then, they both caught an intriguing scent at the same time. I'm pretty sure that they smelled the hibernating bears a long distance up the hill from us.
I've put together a video of the first few forays outside the den by the bears since my visit early this month. I hope that you enjoy it!


  1. Great photos and video. Living with bears - will that be the title of a forthcoming book? It should be.

  2. I can see the two previous videos, but it says the most recent video is not available. I'll try again later.

  3. Oh, KB, it is wonderful ! Makes me want to go out and buy a stuffed baby bear to take to bed with me :)

    Why does the Dermatitis worry you? Is it uncommon?

    Hope you're having a much better day today !


  4. Lynn,

    Sorry about the problem. I discovered a mistake in the video and had to upload a new version. I think that you were trying to watch it just as I was uploading. It's working on my computer now!

    Thanks for letting me know.


  5. fascinating! is the flashing light the sensor? wonderful camera!
    the sow looks like she's ready to get out of that cramped space!
    hope your day is as beautiful as that colorado sky!!

  6. That is such an amazing thing to see. I also wondered about the flashes. She doesn't seem to be bothered by it though.

  7. Doesn't the young cub have a dermatitis problem too? Or does he have a different coloration on his face?

    These are great videos, and fun to see, KB!


  8. First: thank you so much for doing this incredibly difficult work to make it seamless in "storyline" for us to follow! You are totally generous! I love seeing these bears - cub looks healthy and someone has definitely been munching on bark - it's all gone ! Mama's fur in places and her nose look worn. Hope she heals up when hibernating is over - is that possible? Baby is just so cute! Can't believe Ma can fit into that small space! Still lots of snow - guess she knows how to pick her long winter's sleeping spot!
    Thanks again!
    Hugs xo

  9. Thanks for putting the video together for us. The bears do look incredibly sleepy. It's fun to see what they're doing.

    You captured such a good moment with K and R sniffing the air together. I wonder if they're able to discern what they're smelling.

  10. I now have my DH fascinated by this blog - he loves watching the bears. R and K look so happy running free.

  11. The video is great, as is the labraduo!

    Is next year The Year of the Bear?

  12. bear hineys are sooooo cute! too bad they grow up to be big scary beasts! ;)

    we need to call you Grizzly KBadams

  13. I just watched the wonderfully amazing bear video. Wow! About time I pay a visit to your youtube channel :)

  14. As always, great video and post. WE are always fascinated to see your post of the day.

    By the way, you were a brief discussion on Facebook tonight and we are plotting to bring you into the FB vortex. So beware!

  15. Thank you SO much for sharing! It's so nice to see clips that haven't been tinkered with like those on teevee. These are remarkable.

  16. I'm glad you are feeling stronger. Controling 2 Labs is a good measure of your progress.
    Amazing videos!
    Hugs and belly rubs to beautiful K and R,


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