Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

A day in photos

Elk rested below a clearing sky.
Clouds evaporated to reveal eggshell blue spots of sky and mountain beauty.
Snowy mountains glowed behind a dense forest.
K beamed during our hike.
We laid a neighbor to rest in her meadow among the mountain spirits.
And, the sun set, with fiery beauty, as time marched on.
Don't waste a precious instant of life on this glorious Earth.


  1. Please stop me if you've read this one before:

    GREAT pics!

    Thanks for sharing all the moments and the emotions -

  2. I'm sorry for the loss of your neighbor. The photo of the guys burying looked as Old West as anything I have seen in my life.

    But here's the deal, I am 71 years old and if I want to sit on the porch and think quietly, I will. To you, its probably a waste of time, but to me, its pleasure. But tell me, what is a waste of time to you? I'd love to know.


    Jo and Stella

  3. A solemn post. I'm sure the spirit of your neighbor lives on in the beauty of the mountains that you showed us today. So sorry for your loss.

  4. beautiful....thanks for sharing...

  5. Waste Not, Want Not!
    Pertains To Time Too!

  6. I'm sorry for the loss of your neighbor. I was surprised that she was buried on her own property. I didn't think you could do that anymore. I think it's wonderful. Maybe it's a state by state thing.

    Anyway, your photos were wonderful, and thanks for the reminder not to waste a minute. I've been doing a lot of that lately. Time to get my act together!

    And to Stella - if you enjoy sitting on the porch, quietly thinking, it is not a waste :) It is what you love. You don't have to be in motion to be enjoying life!

    Emma Rose and the Duchess

  7. Your lovely photos just enhance your point perfectly!

  8. Amazing to see the mountains still blanketed in snow. The arrival of hot weather in the last week has seen the snowline on the Pyrenees move way up to the higher peaks.

  9. Your last statement is worth a million words! It is so easy to get wrapped up in the craziness of a work day that we tend to forget that each second is precious.

    We can only imagine the wonderful life your neighbor had in such a beautiful area. We thank you for sharing your little slice of heaven with us :)

    Chasing my tale...
    Addie, Lucie and Hailey

  10. Sorry for the loss of your neighbor. We love your last sentence (and, for Jo, if that means sitting on your porch - go for it! We sure do sometimes). Live for no regrets!

  11. I so agree, enjoy each moment, or at least be present for each one.
    Your photos are wonderful and your words portray a feeling of your experience. So glad you are having a wonderful time with your camera!

  12. Dear KB, What a wonderful post! It is a lovely tribute to your neighbor to have posted these glorious photos on the day of burial. Your sunset sky is awe-inspiring. I agree - Live Life!

  13. Truer words were never typed. Sometimes it's really, really hard to know HOW to live every moment to the fullest, but we are trying to learn. Looks like a lot of snow has suddenly disappeared! But then the distant mountains prove me wrong! I am very sorry also about the loss of your neighbor - what a fiery sunset that seems to say a goodbye. Thanks for a wonderful, poignant post.

    Sammie and Mom

  14. Original photos, text... thank you for sharing the beauty. The burial really touched me. Reminiscent of Greek village burials.

  15. What a poignant post today - from one end of the emotion spectrum to the other. The sunset is remarkable. Nature produces the best eye-candy ever!

  16. Wonderful pictures, KB!
    ...and my condolences on the passing of your neighbour!

  17. Wow, just so beautiful - that last photo overwhelms me.

  18. I wonder what the private land burial rules are. Do you know?


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