Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Summer beauty cures all pains

As any of you who suffer from chronic pain know, some days ain't so easy. Today was one of those. Rather than go on and on about it, I'll focus on the beauty around me.

Yesterday evening, we took a short hike and ate a picnic while watching the golden orb fall toward the snowy mountains.
During our outing, my hiking partner and I commented that it's easy to overlook the brilliance of our Golden Banner flowers because they're everywhere. So, we stopped to appreciate one single plant. Look what was on that plant - the most beautifully camouflaged bugs (I don't know what kind) that I've ever seen. We then searched adjacent plants... and found no more of these exquisite bugs.
This morning, I knew from the instant that I opened my eyes that it wasn't going to be one of my best days physically - the pain from the knots in my neck muscles had ratcheted up an octave. But, I also knew that the race of summer is underway. There was NO way that I was passing up mountain biking time in the forest with my chocolate best friend. We stopped in a peaceful spot, listening to the wind whoosh off the mountains, and K made a funny face. She makes me smile every single day!
When we stopped in a meadow that we visited for the first time this season, K walked the balance beam for me and then briefly paused to ponder a scent in the air.
As we stood there, a flash of red passed over us and landed on a pine branch - a Cassin's finch, posing just for me!
As we wound through an aspen grove, I heard raucous squawking from a hole in a large tree. Then, I noticed a male Hairy Woodpecker perched nearby with a bug in his beak, waiting for me to leave so that he could deliver it to his brood. The animals are so busy in our short summer!
Only a few yards further along, I noticed a plethora of short-lived flowers, Shooting Stars, that flourish in wet grassy areas. After our weekend of rain, they're having a wild party, the wildest that I've seen in a long time.
How can a girl stay morose with a world like this one surrounding her? It just ain't possible.


  1. How lucky to be in a beautiful and peaceful environment
    Benny & Lily

  2. And you sure to have one beautiful world around you. It must be so calming and peaceful to ride in all that beauty. Hoping tomorrow is a better day for you.

  3. it is not always easy to embrace the moment when one has chronic pain...but girl, you could write the book on how to deal in a healthy way! you surround yourself with the beauty of nature, the beauty of movement, and beautiful K...you set yourself up for success everyday...a wonderful attribute indeed....

  4. What KKS said . . .a lovely and true comment about you KB!

    Cheers and easy hugs,

    Jo and Stella

  5. So much beauty, just stunning. And all that love. Those are the most wonderful pictures.

  6. Beautiful pictures! We hope you feel better soon!


  7. I love those Shooting Stars! I've never seen them before.

    I had to smile at K! The pupperazzi is always stalking that poor girl. First wrigging in such an undignified manner and now caught with her tongue on her snout! Poor girl!

  8. Sorry 'bout the pain -

    Let's hope Friday will be lots better -

    What great pics as usual!

  9. Don't know how you manage to live in present tense with such pain - but you are an inspiration to those of us who behold these beautiful images forever. Thanks for bringing these gorgeous photos into our homes!
    Big Hugs xoxo
    Sammie and family

  10. KKS said it so perfectly. Your approach to life inspires me. I feel like a say that (or think it) a lot, but if I have a down day I often think of you on your bike...in spite of everything, to take in everything...

    I've enlarged the shooting star picture several times. That's a new flower for me and so cool! I hope today bring another outdoor adventure and less pain.

  11. Hi KB! Love this post! Dad's had one of those weeks...worse than ever...trying even brief walks with mom and I is tough. Cherish those moments of beauty in our surroundings and with our best pals :)

    Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
    Sierra Rose

  12. You had your bad day one day after I had mine. I hope you are feeling better now. I, too, am inspired that you try to get through those bad days by cherishing your gorgeous surroundings.


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