Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Weekend woes

As soon as our regular vet closed for the weekend yesterday, K started displaying obvious signs of a urinary tract infection. K has had many of these infections in her life due to her hind end conformation. So, I started her on the usual antibiotics which usually help in 24 hours or so.

K felt good enough for a short hike in the evening. Then, the second surprise... as we hiked through a meadow, R started violently sneezing. He continued on and on and on. By 10 PM, we called the emergency vet to find out how rapidly foxtails can migrate from the nose up to the brain. The reply, "very occasionally, it can happen in less than 12 hours", meant a drive to the city to the vet. But, in the end, the vet discovered that R had sneezed out the sneaky grass seed in one of his hundreds of sneezes when she knocked him out to look up his snout.

This morning, K seemed much better so I tried taking her for a short mountain bike ride. We rode up high and stopped for a photo and a hug.
At times, she seemed almost like her normal high energy self.
But then, she gave me a look that told me that she needed to go home. No real riding for her today.
She seems tired but her symptoms are much better. Maybe she'll feel like frolicking tomorrow. I hope so. My day doesn't seem complete without a real ride with K.

I headed out to ride on my own, leaving K at home to work on a Kong with food frozen inside it. I didn't use my usual weekend strategy of riding only the most obscure and unknown trails. As a result, I seemed to spend more time chatting with neighbors than riding! But, I needed an easier day on the bike and I enjoyed my chats so that was OK with me.

I spotted a carpet of twin flowers in a lush green patch in the midst of a pine forest. They are tiny plants that each have two bell-like flowers hanging from the stems.
As I rode along a ridge, I enjoyed the views of flowers and mountains but heard the echoes of gunfire from a recreational area where people love to recklessly shoot at anything in their field of view - a very dangerous situation for those of us traveling on the heavily forested trails. I changed my route to avoid the shooting and headed for home. I think that I'll stick with the deep woods and obscure trails next weekend.
Here's to a day of healing with the clouds lifting from the mountaintops for the Labraduo while we humans enjoy a mountain stage of the Tour de France!


  1. It has surely been the scary weekend for many of our friends!

    The Labraduo AND The Mango RH -

    We hope K and R feel better -

    Thanks for sharing the great pics too!

  2. We hope everyone recovers quickly from the weekend.

  3. good thoughts sent your way
    Benny & Lily

  4. What a weekend. So sorry you had to have R knocked out, but glad he's OK. (Didn't know you had those nasty stickers in your forest). Paws crossed that K's UTI clears up soon!

    Healing wishes to the pups and and rest to the humans!

  5. Just like human kiddos, the pups always manage to have a medical problem when the vet is closed. We have Thunder with an eye problem here, but he will be off to the vet first thing tomorrow.

    Those gunshots would make us want to ride a different way too.

    More beautiful photos.

  6. Oh sweet K & R! Hugs to all of you. Some amazing photos, beautiful trails!
    We are enjoying the Tour de France as well :)

  7. We are watching the Tour, too - we tape the stages to avoid all the commercials. I sure hope K is better tomorrow - my Breezy got urinary tract infections, too. Glad R didn't have a foxtail. Now that your Twinflowers are blooming, I must be on the lookout for mine. Had a wonderful hike today with the CO Mt Club - my friend is a member, and I went as a guest. Lottsa wildflowers. Raining now.

  8. Goodness! When it rains, it pours sometimes! I'm glad R sneezed it out, though. I've heard some scary stories about foxtails! And poor K! I hope she feels better tomorrow, too!

    Maybe you all need to spend a day in bubble wrap, just in case! At least your scenery was as beautiful as ever!

  9. What a bummer of a weekend. I hope that K makes quick work of the UTI, and that R stays away from the foxtails. I don't think we have those here, especially where Stella and I walk!

    Cheers and hugs all around,

    Jo and Stella

  10. How worrying for you. Have you noticed how dog problems never occur one at a time ? It's as if they only travel in pairs. The Tour has now moved off into the high Pyrenees - the scenery reminds us of you.

  11. You sure in tune with your dogs to notice things before they turn into something serious. Hopefully K is feeling well again soon.

    p.s. Your photos keep getting better and better. Just gorgeous!

  12. Here's to hoping the dogs are back to normal very soon so they can join you for some more adventures. I'm glad everything turned out okay.

  13. Oh, no! I've had enough of medical scares ... humane and canine alike. I'm glad R didn't snort one right up into his noodle.

  14. Thanks to everyone for your well wishes. As you'll see in the next post, things are returning to normal around here.

    We're loving the Tour, and like Barb, we tape the early morning show to get our "Phil and Paul" fix and to watch it later commercial-free. I never watch a stage until the night after it was broadcasted so please don't tell me who won!


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