Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sunny with a few clouds


  1. Wow! What beautiful shots! It looks like a beautiful day in Colorado. I envy you!

  2. A hover labrador.Perfect for mountainous terrain.

  3. We're having a pretty perfect day here too, with billowy clouds and a breeze, but I don't have a dog like K or R to spend it with!!!

  4. No words needed, KB. K looks like she's in her own little version of utopia.

  5. All looks quite perfect to us. Such awesome photos you are able to catch.

  6. How gorgeous - such amazing photos of skies and dogs! All smiles here!
    Hugs xoxoxo
    Sammie and the crew

  7. Beautiful photos. I hope the duo are continuing to recuperate and that all is well with you too.

  8. Almost wordless and no less beautiful for it...

  9. Sweet face! Love each photo!

    Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
    Sierra Rose

  10. Kia ora KB,
    I have been having some bad computer issues with broadband speed to the point where I have just not bothered as it takes too long for me to download anything. I popped in here and was able to catch up. Bears, lions, idiots with guns, marvelous friends, and beautiful country. If nothing else KB the variety of your nature experiences is stunning! I love the band of grey in the mountain photo above. The smell of the mountains is still uponme as well and I will be heading soon. Kia kaha my friend.

  11. Hi KB, Hope all is well with you and Family. It's getting cold here in Mts. Love K's eyes in that first pic - so soulful.


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