Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Another fire

I uploaded my photos for a post when our world turned upside down. A friend arrived at the door in great distress, and then a reverse 911 phone call arrived telling us to evacuate.

We had a fire drill of major proportions with helitankers buzzing seemingly 100' from our house. They were taking water from a pond about a quarter mile away.

We found out what was important to us, and it's all in a van and 4Runner now. Then, we received another reverse 911 saying that our mandatory evacuation was rescinded. We're hearing that the fire is not growing anymore. Please keep your paws crossed for me and my neighbors.

Maybe you can figure out from the photos that I had pretty good day before all hell broke loose. Signing off for now.


  1. Oh no, please be safe. And take care. We will be thinking of all of you and your neighbors and will keep you all in our prayers.

  2. Fingers and paws are crossed and you are in our thoughts and prayers ... stay safe.

  3. Hoping you are safe and sound as we write this. Our Dad lived in Park City and we know how delicate the balance of nature can be in the mountains. We live in the swamp of SC now and have to pay attention to hurricanes! Take care!
    The Road Dogs

  4. Oh no! Our prayers and good wishes go out to you!

    You mentioned the difference between going out with a Greyhound and a GSD. People do gravitate towards petting Bunny first, but a lot of that is the dogs themselves, too. Bunny is a social butterfly and the question with her isn't "Is it okay to pet her?" It's "Is it okay NOT to pet her?" She is offended when people don't want to! Morgan is not as social. Usually, when people are petting Bunny, she is assessing them and deciding if they are okay to be petting her packmate and if she's going to allow them to pet her. Having the back pack on helps, I think. People don't see a scary GSD, they see a dog with a back pack. It sounds silly, but it makes a huge difference in how people view her. Actually, it makes a difference in how people see both of them. I know people with black Greyhounds report the same thing you experienced with the labs, too. The black ones are less likely to be petted because people are a bit afraid of them.

  5. Oh my goodness, KB. I'm glad you're safe and things seem under control but what an unnerving situation. Paws are crossed here.

    Your day looked beautiful and peaceful from your pictures. I hope everything settles soon!

  6. We have no paws, but we're crossing fingers and toes and sending prayers your way.

    Yet another thing we have in common... there's a 4Runner in our driveway, too...

    LOVE that sunset photo!

  7. My heart raced along with the rest -

    We hope the danger has passed -

    Merdie says great vehicle choice!

    Nice pics of course!

  8. OMG KB - that is so incredibly scary, although at this point, I know the fire is out, but how terrifying for you and your neighbors. It looked like you had a glorious day before this occurred. Will check out your latest update.
    Hugs xoxoxo
    Sammie and AValon and Ma

  9. Gosh fires are so stressful. Never know where the wind will take them
    Benny & Lily


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