Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Fire photos

Photos from near my house. My stomach is doing flips.
Sudden explosions kept erupting in flames.
I've seen images like this in the news before but never with my naked eye from my home.

The good news is that I saw tanker planes working... so the wind has died down enough for them to work for a couple of hours before dark.


  1. Oh my gosh! Do you know what started the fires? Not that it matters now. Please stay safe! We're thinking good thoughts for you, the runner, and K and R!

  2. I know other dog training/dog blogging friends have been evacuated already. I was worried about you guys. Thanks for posting an update!

    The fire should "lay down" overnight, says my retired firefighter in the house.

    Do you think you're in any danger? Would you need to evac?

  3. Thanks for sharing these -

    We'll keep the vibes going for all affected -

  4. When living in the mountains of NC, we had seen a couple of fires from our house and it is scary and the tanker planes flying about give you an eerie feeling.

    Stay safe .....

  5. We just clicked to read your earlier post and saw this. We hope that the fires can be extinguished or at least controlled very soon. Be careful and safe. We have had very strong winds here all day and I just can't imagine you having that wind along with the fire. Prayers for you and the whole family to be OK.

  6. My own stomach is flip-flopping as well. What a frightening sight. Fingers and paws crossed here that it will soon be out. Stay safe.

  7. We had a forest fire cross onto some property we own about 2 years ago. A most helpless feeling, but the firefighters were absolutely unreal in their talent. They even choppered in a bulldozer, cut a fireline, and choppered it back out. And I had the experience of being buzzed by a forest service chopper while putting out hot spots (FYI - the house and dogs were never in danger - not close). I tell you this only because the forest service is amazing in their abilities.

    Paws crossed for all to be safe.

  8. Oh no! That's really scary KB. I've watched fires go from nearly contained to raging very quickly. Paws crossed that weather is on your side and that thing doesn't get big enough to create its own weather.

    Stay safe.

  9. Oh KB...
    One of my own biggest fears too! Those pictures bring back so many farm memories!
    Thinking of you -paying for rain and a change in wind direction.
    Sending lotsaluv

  10. That's scary. The word verification for this comment is 'doused'. Hoping that's true!

  11. OMG! how frightening!! we all have our paws crossed in wisconsin that the fire is out by now....
    patiently waiting an update...

  12. Oh My! Such a frightening experience...hope all is well this morning.

  13. Holy cow!!! That's way too close for comfort. The smoke doesn't seem as bad this morning; I hope they have it under control...

  14. Holy crap!! Please stay safe you guys!! And, keep us updated that you are all ok!

    Holly and Khady

  15. I think more updates and will be returning. I have filtered for qualified edifying substance of this calibre all through the past various hours. Agen Sbobet


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