Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Another fire

A gorgeous sunrise met us this morning backlighting a spooky elk skull that I brought in from the forest last year. The elk was shot during hunting season many years ago but I guess the hunter didn't know that he'd hit an animal. I found the elk soon after she'd died. I re-visited the spot a couple of years later and found the skull, completely cleaned by the teeth and beaks of our many scavenging carnivores.
K and I headed out for our stroll when the sky was much brighter. She seemed less nervous on today's walk and even looked at me rather than behind her. She had her last cast change today. Next week, it comes off!
 K is eagerly awaiting that day!
A little later, R and I took a short bike ride, and I tried to figure out how to use my new camera. My beloved Olympus died recently, and I need to learn the tricks with my new camera. I did manage to capture R's enthusiastic recall on Hug Hill though!
R has a boot on because he badly split a nail, and we're trying to prevent an infection.

At the end of my time with our canines, I left R at home, thinking to myself that I didn't feel good at all. I thought that I'd just ride a tiny bit more and then rest. Well, I really felt sick when I saw this.
The wind was blowing the flames away from us so I didn't think that our house was in any danger. But, this has to end soon! In the photo below, you can see that, although the mountains are snowy, lower elevation south-facing slopes are bone dry.
Many firefighters and airplanes are fighting hard to prevent this fire from growing any more. My fingers are crossed.


  1. We'll think good things from this end of the country -

    Great shots of the sky, K, and R!

  2. We will too. The station fire last year came very near to us. It was very scary.

  3. My mom fingers is crossed and my paws is crossed fur you too. :) Beautiful photos!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  4. Oh no! Fingers crossed here too. I was just talking to a friend earlier in the week about how this fire season was the calmest we've had in years. We've had this unusual moisture in October when we're usually bone dry with Santa Ana's. It sounds like you've had one of the worst fire seasons in awhile. Seems like the West is always ablaze somewhere. I hope everyone stays safe.

    PS-Hip, hip, hooray for the last week of the cast!

  5. Hope the weekend brings better news about the fire and a better time for you. You did just wonderfully well with the new camera - awesome photos as always.

  6. Good thoughts coming to you from the Upper Midwest! I am happy that you have lots of willing workers and airplanes to Help you through this!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo and Stella

  7. We will keep our fingers crossed that the fires is kept at bay!


  8. My paws are crossed that the fire is put out soon! Very cool skull, by the way!

    Your pal, Pip

  9. Wonderful photos, KB - esp of that glorious sunrise. I'm hoping all is well when K gets the cast removed.

  10. That first picture is just AH-mazing!

    And my paws are crossed real tight that they gets that fire put out very soon.

    Wiggles & WAgs,

  11. Oh no! Not more fires! I bet you all can't wait for the snow to fall in the lower elevations to finally end all this dryness! We'll keep our paws crossed that everyone stays safe this time!

    Holly and Khady

  12. Good grief! What is wrong with people? I hope the fire is out soon! I also hope this last week goes quickly for K and her cast is off before you know it!

  13. We saw the fire on the news and we were worried about all of you,,, and all the forest animals and the poor trees!!
    We worried so much about the last one and now again.
    I know it is very sad for you and worrisome.
    Your new camera is working awsome. Beautiful photos as always.
    And were anxious right with you about K getting her cast off.

  14. That second photo is feistiness personified .

  15. Oh KB you gave me a shock: the headline and the first photo made me think that it was the fire that close to you!! Hope for the best and a quick stop for the fire. Best of wishes for both your dogs with pawproblems.
    Wonderfull pictures as always.
    Please mention what your new camara is called. Olympus again?
    Love EM

  16. I saw the headlines about fires and hope that everyone and their homes are safe!!

    I hope R's nail is okay.

  17. Kudos to you one keeping your pups so lean and healthy-looking. I've meant to comment on this before, but somehow kept forgetting. They're the perfect Lab weight - sad that most labs are grossly overweight. Keep up the good work!

  18. Wow, that had to be scary seeing smoke again. I'm with you in hoping we get some moisture soon so the forests can take a much needed drink!


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