Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Almost Wordless Wednesday: Bobcats

I compiled my "best" bobcat photos below. I'd be grateful, if you have time, if you could vote on your favorite for the trail camera contest that I'm entering.
#1: Walking softly
#2: Bobcat at boulder
#3: Bobcat captures rabbit on misty night
#4: Bobcat stares at camera
#5: Bobcat passes empty bear den

From the past few days:
Mountain at sunset
Snowy mountain and bluebird sky


  1. Oh WOW!

    What great shots -

    A tough choice but I think we like the one with the bobcat and the takeout ;-)

  2. Great shots!

    I call for #1!


  3. I like #3 where he has the rabbit in his mouth. Title:

    Takin' Care of Business



  4. I like #2, probably because of the sunlight and rocks, but I also like #1 because you can see the bobcat more clearly.

  5. Stella is very clever there - we like #3 but we think #1 is the best.

  6. All are impressive, but I like #1 best.

  7. I think mr kitty staring at the camera is the most unique-though the bunny dinner is a close second! Beautiful pix!!!

  8. Very, very tough choice. I love the action of #3, the shadows of #2, the clarity of #5, and the humor of #4 - but I have to go with #1 in showing off the muscularity of the cat.

  9. It's a toss up between #2 and #3. I like the color in #2, but I like the hunt in #3. Great photos either way. Good luck!

  10. I vote for number 1. I have a rabbit sister so I can't vote for #3 even though it is an amazing shot!

    Your pal, Pip

  11. It's between 1 and 3 for me... Good luck!

  12. Great pics! I think the one where he is looking right in the camera is adorable!


  13. I can't decide between #1 and #3, but guess #3 is so unique it's gotta be the winner!

  14. Hard to choose, they are all so wonderful, but I am going to vote for the hunting bobcat with his rabbit.


  15. this is a tough one, all the pictures are awesome....i think my favorite is #1..such a clear and beautiful full body pic....i also love the eyes in the camera and the cat carrying his fresh kill....yikes...
    hope you and your pack have a lovely, peace filled day and that K continues to improve!

  16. Life has gotten in the way of being able to stop by your blog, and I'm glad there is time this morning to relax and catch up.

    It's so hard to judge which picture would be my favorite in this post--But since you asked, I'll vote for #1.

    I continue to have hope for both our pups! I hope you have an enjoyable Thanksgiving!!

  17. Difficult to choose, they are all very special. But I think I have to vote for #1 and #3 - in that order. Best wishes for K's recovery - and for all of you. Love EM

  18. Tough choice - they're all great. I think I'd vote for #2 and #5.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  19. I am here to vote, and if I must choose ...
    I choose # 1,, but they are so awsome,,, so very awsome

  20. I love #3 and then #5 next. Tough choice though - thanks for letting us give input!

  21. If it's not too late to vote, we like #1 the best. They're all great photos, though, so you can't go wrong no matter which one you choose. Next favorite is #2, the dappled cat and the dappled snow; nice composition.

    Jed & Abby

  22. Hi Y'all,
    As usual I'm playin' catch up with my readin'.
    Hard to choose #1 and #5 are the clearest shots, but the picture with his prize dinner #3 is priceless.
    Golly, I no help am I?
    Hawk aka BrownDog


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