Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Not as expected

I thought that this was a day to look forward to, a step toward regaining our active life. K and I strolled out into the intense rays of the sun barely above the horizon.
K’s eye reflected the sun and we enjoyed those quiet moments as the forest awakened.
Later in the day, the surgeon unveiled K’s casted leg and asked her to walk. Immediately, his brow furrowed but he light-heartedly said “she probably just needs some time to get used to having a naked paw”. We walked her around a bit but she continued to walk as if glass shards were embedded in her paw.

The surgeon started palpating her toes, and his brow furrowed even more. He said that he wanted some x-rays, just to rule out bad things. After doing the x-rays, he sent me and K to start physical therapy and said that he’d tell me the results afterwards.

Within 10 minutes, as K walked on an underwater treadmill, the surgeon's dark shadow loomed in the doorway. The “C” word leaped out of his mouth – bone cancer. He wanted to do an array of tests to check K’s chest, abdomen, and further probe her toe bone. His expression told me that we needed these tests asap. K was swept away into the back of the hospital. It felt like she was snatched from me.
It turned out that K’s chest and abdomen are clear of discernible cancer. And, we cannot be absolutely sure what evil process is eating away her toe bone. We decided, for now, to slow down before deciding what actions to take.

My girl is only seven years old – it’s too soon for this. We'll do everything in our power to help her.
The power of the paw came through at the vet hospital, as people overheard vignettes between me and the surgeon, they realized that my relatively young dog might be under siege from cancer. They went out of their way to say that we'd be in their thoughts and prayers. Dog people are such good-hearted people.


  1. Totally stunned at this....so glad x rays chest etc are clear... Good chances. Can they remove the toe?
    All the best

  2. Count us among totally stunned -

    You've got The Power of The Paw AND then some -

    Please know we are HERE even if we can't be THERE -

    I can feel the same 'breath knocked from you' as I read the post again -

    Just Wow -

    Hugs From Us In PA

  3. Wow, this must have been quite a shock ... The good news is her chest x-ray is clear! We are sending you and K lots of good wishes and healing thoughts. Please keep us posted.

    Your pal, Pip

  4. Stunned, yet hopeful. Power of the Paw activated. Please keep us posted.

  5. I really feel your pain today. We were at the vet with Blueberry, who's only eight, and heard that she has "suspicious looking cells" after a needle aspiration today. She goes in for surgery next Thursday. You and K will definitely be in our thoughts and prayers! If you need some info on bone cancer, I know that a lot of Greyhound people have dealt with it and know way more about it than they'd care to.

  6. I did not know what to say when I read these words.
    And I know that you do not know how to feel,,, except overwhelmed.
    We are with you.
    The Power of the Paws are around you and K right now.
    Stay close to us. Take out paws, and expect a miracle.
    Sending love and prayers

  7. you have a great blog :-) fun pics and awesome content!! it reminds me a little of life where i live.

  8. OMG-am absolutely in disbelief...not K...it is just not possible :( sending a million hugs and will be sending the best thoughts to you and your sweet girl.


  9. oh gosh...my stomach just sank as I read your post. I am sure I have no words to make you feel better, I can only hope and pray that the diagnosis is better than the vet is thinking.

    I'll be sending some good healing energies to you and your girl...

    Debbie (Muprhydog's Mom)

  10. Add me to the list of those who caught their breath at reading your post--We will so hope for a positive diagnosis for your precious girl and keep you all in our prayers for healing, good health and strength!

  11. Sorry to hear the news. Don't know really what I can say. You have our prayers.

    Thinking of K and you.
    24 Paws of Love

  12. I'm shocked as you must have been. It is a goof thing that there is no suspicion of systemic C. And you're right- she's young, so that is a strength in her favor. Hugs and positive thoughts sent your way.

  13. OH NO!!!
    KB, this is really devastating news...I am totally shocked!!! I can just imagine what thoughts are lurking in your heart at the moment. I am really sorry to hear this, but until you know for certain, it's better not to speculate. Hang on to anything positive in your sites.
    Absolutely, the Power of the Paw will surround you in the days ahead. Certainly, we will be standing by with all the strength we can muster.
    Hang in there, dear friend. Please give lots of pats to K...what an amazing pair you are!
    (Your sunrise picture is surely something to meditate on...what amazing photography!)
    Sending lotsaluv

  14. How heartbreaking! We got bad news today, too. My sister's golden retriever Eva is the littermate of my Eclipse. They've had kidney "issues" forever and since they just turned two we did typical Urine Analyses and blood panels. Turns out Eva has tumorous cells in her urine, they're thinking either bladder cancer or something similar. We feel your pain, and you and K will be in our thoughts and prayers!

  15. Those amber eyes are stunning in the sun!

    Peace to you and yours x

  16. Oh KB, say it isn't so. Tears here, and prayers for K. Absolutely beautiful photos.

    Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
    Sierra Rose

  17. Thinking of you -- my heart goes out to you down here in the city. Waiting with you in spirit for the results.

  18. Kia ora KB,
    Wow, I have tears in my eyes reading this, and I send you all the biggest virtual hug I can give. My thoughts and energy are coming your way. Kia kaha e hoa.

  19. My heart is aching for you and your girl! My prayers will be with her (and you) each and every day. She is so young and so beautiful I hope this is just something that can be managed. Know that the Power of our Paws will be with you daily.

    Love and hugs,

    Stella and Jo

  20. I had to re-read this a second and then a third time. Even now it seems hard to comprehend that this has swept in so suddenly. You can be so, so sure that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

  21. KB,
    I'm so sorry to read this. What a shock! I wish I had some words of wisdom to offer. Please know that my thoughts are with you now, and in the days ahead.

  22. Oh KH I am SO SORRY.
    Hope for the best. Pour K and you too. You did'nt diserve that.
    Love and best wishes EM

  23. Like everyone else, I was shocked reading your post. You both are in my thoughts and prayers.

  24. Oh no! I'm sitting here in shock! I'm so sorry you got such horrible news... I don't know what to say, except that you and K and the rest of your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  25. Oh how awful. We will keep you in our thoughts. Poor little girl.


  26. How heart-breaking...such sadness, wish I had words of comfort for you, KB. Hope K will have a successful treatment or surgery.

  27. :(


    Sending BIG hugs to you both. K can beat this. There is no doubt in our minds.

    We will be praying for you both.

    Lots of Luv & Kisses
    Addie, Lucie and Hailey

  28. I am stunned to say the least and my heart aches for K and you.
    I wish that there was something I could say to help.
    I will keep K in my thoughts amd prayers.

  29. My heart is in my throat.............beautiful K will have my continuous prayers as you face this next challenge

    Her beauty astounds me !


  30. Oh, no. We logged in this morning looking forward to great news and are stunned. We can only imagine what you are going through at the moment. Know that The Herd has immediately rallied, crossed paws, fired up the Sibe Vibes, and are sending the Power of the Paw - that is, absolutely everything we can think to do for a good outcome for K. We are thinking of you.

  31. Oh no... I'm so sorry. The good news is because you take such good care of your pups it has been caught early. We are sending prayers for K and lots of hugs for you. Think good thoughts - Sam is a cancer survivor of over 7 years now.


  32. Thinking of you and K, and sending healing thoughts from the midwest. Thanks for your beautiful blog! Our hearts are with you.


  33. Oh my goodness! My heart sank as I read your post!

    We will most certainly be keeping K in our thoughts and prayers. She is a strong girl, and we are certain she can overcome this!

    MinnaK and momma Cheryl

  34. Dear KB,

    Please know that there are hearts here in Virginia pulling for K. She is such a beautiful girl - both inside and out.



  35. I am saddened by the set back and encouraged that tests showed no cancerous signs. I am holding to this result and will put all my happy healthy thoughts toward positive future results! XOX to all of you,

  36. KB - My beautiful Allie girl had toe cancer in 2008. It was called "nail bed carcinoma". In the end, her one toe was amputated, and after recuperating, she was good as new -- clean margins, and all. Hope K's is as simple. Paws crossed here in L.A.

    Did K like the underwater treadmill? It seems very lab-friendly...

  37. K is on my mind this morning.
    I came back to share more circle of paws around all of you.

    I am feeling this obstacle has you cornered at this moment with emotions.
    Take the time you need to digest the words that were said to you.
    My forest is sending postive thoughts to all of you.
    The Power of The Paws to you

  38. We left a comment earlier but we don't see it. No matter, we are just devastated at this possibility. We almost didn't want to come to read the post when we saw the title. Paws crossed that there is a good report with either no problem or one with an optimistic prognosis. We invoked the power of the paw for you again today.

  39. We will keep K in our thoughts and prayers. We are sending healing vibes her way!!

    Pugs & Kisses,

    Yoda & Brutus

  40. CRAP! I'm so sorry. I seriously hope this is not as bad as it is sounding. Not fair. not fair. not fair. i know, selfish of me to vent. but i feel like i need to express my anger and sorrow all at once.

    What an angel. i hope while things get figured out her paw is not in much pain. we're sending heeling paw vibes from our area.
    wild dingo

  41. We have our paws crossed and we continue to pray for K. How we wish we can do more.

    You are in our thoughts...

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max

  42. I read about K from the OP Pack before I got over here today. I felt sick when I heard. I know you must be very frightened but it sounds like she's in good hands. My thoughts are with you and I'm sending you every positive wish for a good outcome.

    Amber (Mayzie's Mom)

  43. I'm purring and purraying my hardest for you and K.

  44. Here's yet another stunned and taken aback. My heart aches, not only for K, but for your other readers who also are facing heartbreaking news. I'm glad the rest of her body is clear, but I sit on the edge of my seat as you wait to see what comes next. I have no paws, but you and your best friend will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  45. All Paws Crossed here in NH for you and K. We will be praying hard for the both of you.
    Your Friends

  46. My heart is just aching for all of you. I am praying for the best possible diagnosis and outcome. All of us will hold special thoughts for this wonderful girl. And for you, and the runner, and R.

  47. Oh no! We will be praying hard for K - and for you.

    Emma Rose

  48. My thoughts are with you and your "clan". Wishing and hoping for the best.

    mtb w

  49. Oh, no. We send lots of purrs and tail wags for K.

  50. KB, I'm late to get this terrible news - I felt a chill just from your title, but still didn't expect the diagnosis. I keep looking into K's eyes - she is a good brave girl. I know you've already researched your options - are you considering having her examined at CSU? I'll surely be thinking of you all.

  51. KB,
    i feel like i've just had the wind knocked out of myself at K's news. nonetheless, i'm going to think positively. if it is cancer, thank goodness it hasn't spread to K's chest or abdomen. i'll be thinking of and praying for K and you. know that you are surrounded by blog friends that want only the best outcome.

    the booker man and asa's mama

  52. All the words for shocked, devastated, & saddened are gone. Crap, as Mrs. Wild Dingo says. We hope: it's not really cancer, but something else that's treatable. If it is cancer, we hope you've caught it early enough for successful treatment. K could certainly learn to bound along the trail and climb the rocks minus a toe. Mama lost several Danes to bone cancer, but it was always higher up in a leg bone and the dogs were just too old to put them through amputation, chemo, etc.

    Our paws are crossed for K. She's such a good, strong girl. Surely she shall recover.

    Jed & Abby

  53. Saw your blog through the OP Pack.. And although I just started the blog for Pepsi and the critters, I've been reading up on dlogs for a long time.

    I can't say that I am able to understand how you must be feeling, but I certainly know that this is a rough phase.
    We will be keeping you in our prayers.

    Lots of Love,
    A, Pepsi, and the Critters.

  54. Many prayers are being said for K. Our paws are crossed and we are hoping for the best.

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  55. i'm in shock.....i just can't believe it....and i can't find your e-mail address....please e-mail me when you're up to it...shit..

  56. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all - we know what receiving this news is like! Prince was only 5 when we lost him to cancer, it was over 6 months ago but feels like yesterday.

    Please stay strong and keep us pupdated about K.

    Team Husky

  57. I have no words - seven is just too young - too young. My heart is with you. My prayers are with you.

  58. Thoughts and paws and hearts and prayers are all going out to you!

    Koda & Kate

  59. I have tears in my eyes because I really did not want to hear any more bad news about K's health. She and you are such perfect partners, and you're right, seven is just too young. I'll cross all my fingers and toes that whatever is causing her ongoing issues is something that can be solved easily. Sweet K, I hope you'll be back out in the forest, pain free, in no time.

  60. NONONO! We have had it with the "C"- people or pets. We are definitely sending the Power of the Paw. Hope you get good news soon.

    The Heartbeats

  61. I'm totally stunned...I can feel your heart drop. Wow. As everyone has said... paws crossed and I'll send the strongest heeler vibes possible. Cancer will not win this one.

  62. Was checking AC's blog to see if she had her NYC marathon news up and read your comment, wondered what you meant, popped over to your blog and read the devastating news. I am so sorry, and hope that somehow things will change and get better for you and for K. Wow.

    I'm praying for you too.

  63. I'm just now catching up, after a death in our family last week. And, to find this news it just too, too much.

    We're hoping for the best and sending all kinds of good mojo to you and K.

  64. So so sorry to hear this.
    Kodi & I will be thinking of you and K.


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