Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Short update

Life has taken some unexpected twists and turns in the past 24 hours - some good and some not so good. I’ve received several emails from people worried about us.

First, we don’t have K’s biopsy results yet. We may get them at our evening vet appointment today.

Second, K has developed a bad infection at her amputation site. She overall still seems spunky and happy but her incision is hurting her. Amputation site infections are common regardless of whether the original problem in the bone was an infection or cancer.

However, the power of the bobcat is staying with us. He has visited our clearing every night for several in a row.  For Stella, who wanted to see his face, I turned around this camera to face in the opposite direction after his last visit. Alas, he's too smart for me - he showed us his tail end again!
That’s all for now. We have to go to the vet!


  1. Oh, dear. I'm so sorry abouts K's infection. I hope they get it cleared up real soon. Poor girl. My paws are crossed super tight for her!

    Gosh, that bobcat is sure smart. But it seems like ALL kittehs are kinda sneaky and crafty like that, huh?

    Wiggles & Wags,

  2. Yes, we have been wondering and worrying. Thanks for the update and we send lots and lots of good sibe vibes and Mom's thoughts and prayers for a good visit.

    Woos, the OP Pack

  3. Sending you our best wishes and hope that all goes well at your visit tonight.

  4. We are so sorry about the infection ... we are sending lots of healing wishes your way.

    I love the bobcat's tail. What a beautiful animal!

    Your pal, Pip

  5. Hmmmm. Usually toe amps are no big deal. Is it because it was already infected or cancerous? I am more familiar with amputating severely injured toes that cannot be repaired. - Jen

  6. Thanks for the update. All of you continue to be in our hearts.

  7. Thinking of your family tonight, KB. Special hugs for sweet K.

  8. Thanks for the update, although I'm so sorry to hear the wound is infected. Keep us posted on the news...good and bad.

    Love the clever Bobcat!

  9. Hope you can get things cleared up soon. We have been prone to weird infections ourselves with all our surgeries. Now if we have surgery the doc just puts us on the heavy duty stuff right away. :-(


    Mr. Nubbin'

  10. More puppy prayers fur K!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  11. so glad to hear from you....hope the infection clears up...hate complications....
    the bobcat is really stepping up, such a beautiful creature...
    hang in there!

  12. You and K are in our prayers, and in our foughts all day long. I am sendin tons of my healin and positive vibes your way!

    Go Team K!!! I'm wif you all the way!!!

    wif love from the Luke (and also my the Mom)!

  13. Sorry to hear that K has an infection! Praying for you guys!

  14. You have been on my mind all day today. May have to talk K out of all the leaping, climbing, etc.

    We just want the very best for that girl, thats all we want!


    Jo and Stella

  15. Belgian and Siberian Vibes headed to Colorado from Minnesota!

    Thanks for the update -

  16. sending good vibes your way K
    Benny & Lily

  17. Praying for K here. Love the pix in the previous post of her on that stump. Glad her spirits are high.

    Lots of Luv & Kisses
    Addie, Lucie and Hailey

  18. So sorry to hear about K's infection... keeping you in my thoughts!

  19. Thanks for taking the time to post an update. I hope the infection is under control soon. Hang in there!

  20. So sorry to hear about the infection and hope that it can be cleared quickly. So many challenges for you this year, but the Year of the Bobcat has a lot of power to help you through this. We are there for you throughout.

  21. I've been wondering about you!

    I'm sorry K has to deal with the infection. Hopefully it won't be anything too serious and it will be under control soon. We're thinking of you and K and hoping for the best!

    That bobcat seems to be playing with you!

  22. Thanks for the update.

    Hope K's visit goes well.

  23. Hey there KB
    I'm sorry to hear this news. My thoughts are often (almost constantly) with you...prayers and warm wishes coming your way!
    Sending lotsaluv

  24. Poor K. I hope her infection will clear up soon. It's good to know she's still in good spirits - I bet the cold winter air has a lot to do with that.

    Paws crossed for her biopsy results. We'll be anxiously awaiting your post tomorrow.

  25. We are thinking of you tonight.
    So many of us are.
    We are hoping for the best news.
    And we want the infection to heal.
    We send all the postive thoughts and prayers that we can

  26. We came over from the Luke's place where he mentioned that K needs some strong healing thoughts. Please know that she is in our ♥s and that we will be holding her tight and close until she has completely mended. We feel so furry sorry 'bout her sore foot - it must be horrible.

  27. The critters and I are keeping our paws for K!


  28. Well, fudge! We hope by now you have some reassuring news from the vet. Mayhaps K will have to forego even her limited level of activity for a short while and just be housebound until her wound heals a little better? She'll hate it; you'll hate it. But if it means less trauma to the wound, might be worth considering. Sorry to be so forward, but we do so very much want to see K whole and healthy again, clambering around in the wilderness she clearly loves. Paws crossed.

    Jed & Abby

  29. Oh dear! Keeping K in my thoughts! Lots of positive thoughts!

  30. oh crud! Thank you for updating. we're anxious to hear and sending power of the paw to you and K...

  31. Love and healing thoughts to you and K!!

  32. WE are sending lots of good thoughts to K, that the infection can be quickly brought under control, and that the biopsy results will be what you wish for.

    Woofs, Purrs and Hugs,
    Tommy, The Chans and #1

  33. Hoping for good news and sending good news mojo your way!! Paws and tails crossed! And OMG that's a BIG KITTY!!!!

  34. Sending lots of good wishes your way! Hope all went well at the vets
    Lotsa Licks
    Casper Bear

  35. i'm sending lots of healing vibes and good thoughts K's way and praying for good news from the vet.
    i hope K's infection gets cleared up very soon with some antibiotics. asa had an MCT removed back in may, and her incision site became infected...it was no fun at all.

    the booker man and asa's mama

  36. Thinking of you this morning...Calling on bobcats for resiliency and feisty defiance.

  37. We are all here for you and K. We are sorry to hear about the infection and we hope it gets better quickly. We have you in our prayers.

    We are also hoping the bobcat be not shy and show his face.

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max

  38. Another warm thought and crossed pair of paws here. My Humans said to tell you that you are both in their prayers. I'm keeping my paws crossed until I see y'alls update.
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  39. Paws and fingers crossed! Sending healing vibes and hopes for positive results.

  40. I came back to check on you.
    We are surrounding you with hope in our heart.
    I hope the bobcat is outside, it would be a good sign

  41. We will keep our paws crossed for K!

    Aren't bobcat's big cats? They never really cooperate!



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