Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Happiness is...

K galloping in fluffy snow.

Enjoying the mountains.

Snow on your face.

Fluffy snow decorating a Christmas tree.

Being as fast as the wind.



  1. Isn't it amazing how, without words, our animals can express such a plethora of emotion with such eloquence...

  2. And happiness is also getting to visit your beautiful world every day!

  3. I just know those pictures sure made me happy! Those are absolutely magnificent photos! It's like I can almost see every flake on K's pretty brown nose.

    You know, I think I'm going to spend a lot of time at our weekend parties thinking about your secret and grinning to myself, thinking about all of us back where we'd really rather be!

  4. How wonderful to see K running a bit. She seems to be enjoying every minute of it!

  5. . . . . . our seeing these beautiful photos and feeling the happiness in your heart.

  6. I like seeing the pups with snow on their muzzles. More snow due here in the mts. My littlest Grands are coming to ski this week. Happy Holidays to you and yours, KB!

  7. 24 Paws agree! Sounds like things are getting hopeful for K, in reading your last post. Your spirits sound higher. Hopefully you are over the worst of it.

    Love those pics of R flying with those ears!!

  8. Mom is catching up on her posts - and it is good to see your pups racing through the snow. She also likes your new banner!


  9. K is saying,,,,,,
    "free as the wind... I feel good."

  10. Was this today? How wonderful! Her activity level seems to be increasing exponentially by the day!

    I hope some of that snow comes this way, so Marge can play in it, too!

  11. Hooray for K and galloping through the snow!

    May each day be more fun than the one before.


  12. Frosted jowls and flopping ear shots = who can beat that!

  13. know that joy that you feel when you see them run and enjoy themselves--The warmth from that melts away any of the cold you're feeling on the outside! I hope you're having a good weekend!!

  14. Most definitely! I have never ran as fast as the wind, but I have felt the wind on my face and that's pretty nice, too.

    Your pal, Pip

  15. I get to foster an 8-year-old chocolate lab for a week while her foster dad is out of town. I hope to take her to the dog park and let her run like K!

  16. Hi Y'all!

    Oh what beautiful fluffy snow! What fun! What fun!

    Hawk aka BrownDog

  17. Ohhhh, just look at how much fun they are having. We can learn so much from our animals, including how to take joy in the simplest things.

  18. K and R have made us so happy today, especially with all that playing and decorating in/with all that fluffy snow! Beautiful!
    Sammie and Avalon

  19. Wow your photos are great, thanks very much for sharing.
    Came across you blog hopping via Saturday Pet Hop, would love you to visit back, I am a new follower too.
    Helen x

  20. SOMEONE...IS...VERY...HAPPY...now who would that be! wink wink!!!!!

  21. What fun!! There's nothing better than running free!!!

  22. You put a smile on every buddys face K
    Snorts and Snuggles
    Benny & Lily

  23. Awesome photos!!!!!Looks like she was habing a great time.

  24. what fun! booker is more than a little jealous! ;)

    the booker man and asa's mama

  25. How fun! I'm gonna go dream about running, right about now!


  26. Hi! My friend Khyra introduced me to your blog and I am so glad she did! Your photos are spectacular and your dogs are beautiful and you live in such a gorgeous place! Looking forward to following your blog and to seeing more!

  27. These are the things that make me happy, too!!

  28. Holy crap, I'd love my everlovin' mind in all that snow!!!!!! Whoooo hoooo!

  29. I was just introduced to your blog. I can't believe I haven't read it before. I just spent quit awhile reading many of your older entries. I am 23 years old. In May I broke my neck. I fractured C6 in multiple places, multiple disc herniations, etc. My neurosurgeon says I "mangled" my neck. I know there are differences between having disc degeneration and having a spinal trauma, but I really relate to everything you write about your back and neck. I first had a posterior c5-7 fusion and then 6 weeks later when that failed I had an anterior discectomy and fusion. I have so much pain still from the trauma of the injury and of the posterior surgery.

    I also live in the mountains...Cascades, not Rockies, but I feel like we have a lot in common.

    I blog at http://lifespentwagging.blogspot.com about my injury, my golden retriever Murphy, and everything else.


  30. Hi,

    We're temporarily back home at the shore for a few days.

    Stopped to see how K was doin' but see no update. Hope y'all are just busy with Christmas and all is well healthwise with everyone.

    We're goin' to be busy, busy too. Our crossed paws and prayers that all is well for y'all.

    Hawk aka BrownDog

  31. Those are great shots of the dynamic duo! You'd think it would get old but I always laugh after Java shoves her face into the snow to sniff, and then pulls back up with snow covering most of her face. Simple pleasures...

  32. This post gives me the warm fuzzies. :)


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