Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Sunrise: a new beginning

For the past few days, K and I have enjoyed our morning strolls at dawn. We start in the dark and hustle up to the high plateau to see the sunrise. Yesterday, the sunrise show awed me. We ascended onto the plateau just before the sun crested nearby hills.
We both watched from the darkness as the sun transformed our world.
The clouds glowed from below just before the sun rays touched our faces.
Just after sunrise, the sun cast a purple and red hue on the entire world. It was an instant of grace when time stopped and my heart soared. K's fur glowed red in the sunrise palette.
The moon hung over our heads for the entire sunrise.
It's difficult to believe the the color of K is real in the photo below but it is. The sunrise colors mixed with her chocolate fur created an incredible glow.
Just a few minutes later, I looked to the west as the show ended. I'd missed getting any photos of the Continental Divide bathed in the rising sun. Just a touch of gold remained in the clouds.
Later in the day, our whole family went for a trail walk. K taught the boys how to scramble on the boulders and pose for photos. I had to laugh when the boys called me over, already posed and asking me to take "a photo for the blog"!
During this sojourn with my family, I've realized how thankful I am for so many gifts in my life. Of course, the Duo sits near the top of the list. Walking through the forest each morning with K feels like a stolen moment - or a gift. So far, we've cheated the worst case scenarios, and my girl can hike by my side again. She's reached that age where we have an easy-going partnership, requiring few words. We ramble along, knowing how lucky we are to be together.

I think that I'll be wishing upon the full moon every month - at least until we know that K is completely out of the woods.
I hope that you all have a happy holiday and have many gifts to be thankful for in your lives. I am thankful to have all of you as part of our blogosphere!


  1. And so are we thankful to have you!

    Happy HOWLidays!

    Khyra, Kholden Khousins Merdie and Harley, and Phyll

  2. Thank you for sharing the beauty of the mountains. Our respect to you for getting up early to go out and see the light.

    Mogley G. Retriever

  3. Merry Christmas KB and family,
    I am thankful for the beauty you share with us-not only your pups but photos of the high country which I can only enjoy from down below. I am thankful for the health you and K are enjoying right now and wishing you all the best for the New Year.
    Noreen & Reggie-dog

  4. Oh, KB. That post gave me goose bumps! I'm thankful that you are willing to share your world each day.

    Here's to good health!

    -Lisa and the Rotttens

  5. Those are absolutely magnificent pictures. Your world is one of magnificent beauty, and I'm glad that I have so recently found your blog. Thank you for sharing this beauty with us. Have the happiest and safest of Christmases.

  6. Beautiful pictures! And yes, a lot to be thankful for
    Merry Christmas
    Benny & Lily

  7. Simply dazzling photos! Knock me right out! I am happy that you, K, and R, are part of my world too.

    Who are those adorable little boys?
    Thats what Stella has ordered for Christmas, a little boy of her own, but I doubt one gets delivered.

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella, and Ali Zophia

  8. We are so glad to know you! K looks so pretty with the sun shining on her.

    We wish you a very Merry Christmas.


  9. We have a thankfulness in our heart that we have found you.
    When worlds connect it is like the best gift ever..
    We will be wishing on every full moon with you.
    Thank you again for sharing the beauty of your world.
    Merry Christmas, and wonderful holidays to all of you.

  10. You are so right. We have so much to be thankful here in our home. Despite the chaos of having 8 adults and 6 kids under the age of seven here almost all day and night, we are so grateful we all have our health and a loving home and family.

    I am so glad that I have come to know you this year - you are an inspiration in so many ways. Thanks for your friendship and please do enjoy the holidays.

  11. Gosh, these pictures are just breathtaking! Thanks so much for sharing them.

    Happy holidays!

    Your pal, Pip

  12. New beginnings! The perfect message for Christmas day. Happy Christmas to you all.

  13. Dear KB I can second to almost all above. And the pictures of to day are over the top! Glad I found you! Merry Christmas. EM

  14. Sunrise is the most beautiful time of day :) Fabulous photos as always :) Luved the shot of your boys and K on the boulder!

    Merry Christmas to all of you!

  15. That last picture is stunning!

    Have a wonderful holiday!

    Mango, Dexter, and Mango Momma

  16. The photos are stunning and your boys are adorable! We had no idea that you had those two adorable guys :) Have a very Merry Christmas.

    Emma Rose and The Duchess

  17. Without question the most beautiful group of photographs EVER !

    K is almost mystically beautiful in his red glory

    Thank you for sharing all of this with us !!

    Merry Christmas !!

  18. Hope you have a Merry Christmas. You certainly live in a beautiful place for sunrise.

  19. Fantastic photos!! (Love your banner art too) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Oscar and The Pet Book Lady

  20. Fantastic photos!! (Love your banner art too) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Oscar and The Pet Book Lady

  21. What amazing photos!! We are hoping you are having a wonderful Christmas!!

  22. Thanks so much for sharing your world with all of us. Pictures like these give you such clarity of meaning and thought. Sunrise to sunset and everything in between...waiting for more....cheers!

  23. You always post such beautiful photos. I'm so excited to hear about your Christmas gift! Let me know what type you got some time. I hope K's paw is improving and you all enjoy the holidays. Your boys look very cute posing on the boulder with K. We've had a very nice holiday, and a white Christmas! I'm kind of ready for things to settle down now, and get back to normal. I've missed my blogger friends during this busy season. Take care and I'll stop by again soon!

  24. Yet again I am in awe of your fantastic photos! Not only do you live in one of the most beautiful places on Earth, you have the eye to capture it. K must be the goddess of the sunrise! She was born to be photographed in that light.

    I had to giggle about the new costars of the blog!

    Finally! I am free to sit in my pajamas on the couch with a dog! Of course, we still have two birthday parties to look forward to next week, but all the crazy preparations are over! I hope you're enjoying your secret place, too! Merry Christmas to you and the Duo!

  25. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We hope you have a wonderful holiday:)

  26. Happy Christmas! Thanks ever so much for the Christmas wishes. We have enjoyed reading your blog and hearing (and seeing) all your adventures in the mountains, accompanied by fantastic photography and of course the LABRADORS!

    We hope you enjoy your family time and have a great festive season welcoming in the new year relaxed and refreshed!

    Koda & Kate

  27. We wish you all very Happy Holidays and good health and much joy in the coming year!

  28. Sorry we are so late (as you know, just a little busy here the past couple of days but things have, thankfully, settled down and Miss Natasha is snoozing beside me). The pictures are stunning! I love the glowing of dog fur in the sun rays.

  29. Thank you K R and KB for sharing your amazing views of the world and bringing them into ours.


  30. Being able to see the sun rise and sun set and full moons and take photos is the thing I miss the most following my move. It's good to be able to see your shots.


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