Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Winter, finally.

The day dawned under a kaleidascope of colors. It looked peaceful.
But, when K and I headed toward our favorite mountain viewpoints, the wind buffeted us in wailing gusts. K's ears flapped in the wind, and she looked unhappy. K has overcome many of her fears as she's grown up - but our zany Chinook winds still frazzle her.
I loaned her my fleece hat before we retreated to lower ground.
When we stepped back from the edge of the huge canyon where we go to gaze at the mountains, blue sky dominated but K's ears still flapped in the insanely whipping wind.
Finally, we found a spot where she was comfortable, sampling the scents wafting toward her.
The photo below captured my only peek at the mountains today. Ever so briefly, the clouds lifted from the high peaks, and I spotted the skunk-like white stripes of the local ski area. However, I had difficulty holding myself and the camera still in the wind to take the photo!
Later, the storm that I'd seen brewing all day up on the Divide whooshed into our forest. The Duo and I enjoyed a snowy afternoon hike.
We spotted the perfect Christmas Tree living in the forest, already decorated with fluffy new snow.
It finally feels like winter.


  1. Great shots

    and great capturing the moments!

    BTW, Khyra wanted you to know we got a dusting today so she's temporarily satiated!

  2. BOL, beautiful and love the hat
    Benny & Lily

  3. I can really understand your last post, how the dogs and being out in nature can manage your pain. I can tell a huge difference when I don't get out on our walks, as I tend to give into the pain. Sometimes it feels like it's crushing the fight right out of me, but when I don't give in I can feel it changing my life around.

    thank you for the reminder to not give in.

  4. As always beootiful pictures! You lives in such an amazing place. :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  5. That one of the dogs in snowfall would make a lovely holiday card!

  6. Great pics!

    Floppy ears seem to have issues in the wind! Mine too!

    I agree, the snow pic would be a great card! It seems quite surreal

  7. And more beautiful photos - just so gorgeous to see your world. We are going to get a huge drop in temps this weekend but no snow. We are going to just miss it again - just like last year.

    What a range of sky colors in this series of photos too.

  8. I love that last shot of K and R together outside! It's been too long since we've seen both of them outdoors together. :)

    It's looked like winter at your place to me for about the last month. I'm not sure if I should feel happy, sad or frostbite at the notion that it finally feels like winter to you!

    I'm very fond of your tree, too!

  9. Stay warm out there! The beginning of our week was nasty cold and very windy, but it has moderated now, for a day or two anyway. Have a nice weekend!

  10. I can almost hear the sigh of relief ;-)

  11. I love bein there wif you... on a counta that's how your wonderful photos draw me in...

    I love the K. And the R. And the K and R together. And how I love the weather.

    A Winter Celebration is in order. For sure.

    wif love from the Luke

  12. Please, pretty please send some of that snow our way! Gorgeous sunrise. That picture of K in your cap has really got me tickled!

  13. Beautiful, KB!...and such amazing colous!
    Sending lotsaluv to all of you!

  14. We are predicted for a big blitz tonight and tomorrow, then we slide into those mid December subzero temps. I'm trying to remember what I used to love about Winter!

    Great to see K doing her thing, and you two having fun together!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Ali Z who wouldn't even stick her nose outdoors.

  15. Stunning, as always! Here's wishing you a relaxing and certainly painfree weekend! :)

  16. Great shot of K's ear flapping at right angles in the breeze .

  17. Got a good laugh out of K in your hat, although I really don't think that's her color. Perhaps red? LOL

    Another arctic storm is moving into our area tomorrow .. SO unlike our normal December weather.

  18. We loved the forest's Christmas tree. So beautiful and perfect with a dusting of snow.

  19. Your hat looks great on K :)

    The photo of the snow fallin with K and R playin in the background was breathtakin :)

    Waggin at ya,

  20. oh yes, we see winter in your world.. for sure.
    we have pouring rain,,, here.

    but up there in the high mountains,, we have snow,,,,

    It was nice of you to share your hat with K, so her ears did not hurt..
    sometimes my mom tried to put me inside her hat,, but i do not fit.
    We love the little christmas tree,, yes,,, its winter

  21. Thanks for the comment on my blog! I really love trail cameras too. Just have one but really like it. Yeah the video was totally three bobcats! I agree a mother and young. I was so excited to see it. I'm glad to find your pictures here considering we are in the same state. I also really like and enjoy your tracking stories. Thanks again,


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