Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: A day and a memory

A day, from start to finish.

A memory: my K and I mountain biking together.


  1. Your pictures are just amazing. The scenery is breathtaking, but you're also an extremely talented photographer. BTW, I absolutely loved the picture yesterday of the sun on the tree tops and also your commentary... why aren't you writing a book!???

  2. That is one of the BEST Wordless Wednesday's in MEMORY ;-)

    What a great progression of pics!

    Again, thanks SO much for sharing your world!

  3. I read your post from yesterday and hope that the latest bump is nothing and you and K have many memory making wonderful days ahead!

  4. A wonderful post, KB, that makes my heart soar! I hope this new swelling on K's paw is a passing thing. At least she seems to be pulling you to do more - that's great!

  5. Mom and me agrees wif Tank, your photos are worthy of a book!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  6. I love rottrover's comment! Beautiful pictures as always.

    Your pal, Pip

  7. gorgeous pictures once again! thanks for sharing your day and a sweet memory with us. :)
    i'm very much hoping that K's new lump is just a bruise.

    the booker man and asa's mama

  8. Rottrover nailed it with her comment!

    Great WW post.

  9. Add me to those dazzled by your photos, KB!

    We don't see those kinds of skies/sunrises/sunsets here in Minniesnowda, and I am happy that I can see yours.

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo and Stella

  10. Those pictures are just breathtaking! It's a very cool idea showing pictures all from one day like that.

    I still believe that you and K will bike again together one day. :)

  11. Gorgeous photos, all of them!! Hugs to you and K. I hope it was a good day.

  12. What beautiful skies! And of course a beautiful K and you together. Paw Prayers for both of you.

  13. Hey there KB
    I am really sorry to hear about K's lump...we'll all keep positive in the next few days! You must be continously riding on your nerves...I know what that feels like!
    Anyway, I must say your pictures are truly stunning. My little small camera is really playing up on me and won't focus properly. I will have to save the pennies for a new one, but in the meantime, I will relish yours!
    Keep warm, dear friend. Try not to worry too much (although I know its difficult) and just know that we are all surrounding you with our love, warm vibes and hope for a really good outcome.
    Sending lotsaluv

  14. What a beautiful post! We'll keep our paws and fingers crossed for all to turn out well for K! Stay pawsitive!!

  15. Beautiful memory :) Both visually and mentally :)

    Waggin at ya,

    PeeS: I finally got my cards in and would really like to send you one. Please send me your dog house mailbox addy :)


  16. Spectacular skies, KB; spectacular photos of K, the cat and wonderful memories. Thanks for all the beauty you bring to us on the pages of your blog! You were amazingly resourceful here too, when you lived in these parts - you know so many places - you could make our next itinerary! Sounds like you had some good times here!
    Sammie and Avalon

  17. breath-taking and what wonderful memories.

  18. Wow! Wow! Wow! Just BEAUTIFUL!

    My paws are crossed and I'm sending brindle wishes for K that the bump on her paw will go away soon!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  19. Breathtaking photos.
    And the memories to be cherished, and new ones to be made...
    Yes more and more


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