Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Snowy days

The specter of the dawn of a new day jolts me into action each morning. I don't want to miss it!
In the soft glow of the sunrise, the frost-laden aspen skeletons shimmered.
And, my K glowed like the rich chocolate lab that she is.
Whenever the trail turned uphill, K led the way, stopping frequently to check on my progress. It's tough and slow work pedaling a bike uphill through snow but I'm so happy that running is effortless for K now!
We arrived atop Hug Hill, with K waiting for me just beyond the jolting transition from forest shade to snowy glaring light. She squinted in the sunlight as she sat behind a rose bush, naked except for the prickers that hold frost.
 The bush held balls of delicate crystals that reflected the sunlight.
Atop Hug Hill yesterday, K and I played a few games, like recalls, on the soft carpet of light snow.
 And, she placed her front paws on a snow-carpeted rock.
While we played up there, the wind suddenly stirred to life, blowing from the Divide. The snow flew off the tree-tops in billows that looked like smoke.
By this morning, the wind had swept the summit of Hug Hill clean of snow. We played a new game that we've been practicing - I've taught K to place her hind paws on an object like the rock on Hug Hill. It's not as photogenic as placing her front paws on a rock or stump but it exercises her brain.
When we arrived home from our ride, the warm sun was melting icicles that had formed on an aspen sapling. The sun's rays lit up the ice and the water droplets dripping from it and from higher branches.
It's been a gorgeous couple of days here in the Colorado Front Range, and the dogs have enjoyed them thoroughly, running hard, eating plenty, and sleeping deeply.
I'm as sleepy as R after all the fun we've had!


  1. Oh, R... You're a good ol' boy, too :-) Sleep well.

  2. I love the pic of K peeking out from the iced bush!


  3. I love all the close ups of the ice and frost! And of course, K proves yet again that she's the prettiest lab anywhere!

    I envy you your fun and good weather!

  4. Now, that's a sunrise! WOW! I l am with Bunny, I just love the pictures with the ice and frost. Just beautiful.

    Your pal, Pip

  5. What great frosty/icy photos! You might just spur me to get up earlier... K looks wonderful - her coat just glows in the morning light. Goodnight - I'm sleepy as R right now.

  6. Hey there KB...
    I can't thank you enough for this post. Uncannily, I have been verbally sharing my own sunrise with a blogger in the chatroom this morning. What a pleasure it was to watch yours (Quite the opposite of mine) as I wrote the description. You take really FANTASTIC photographs. Truly incredible.

  7. What? You mean you are not having 25-35 below zero temps? New Snow?
    Howly winds? Only Arctic explorers get out and run around in THAT kind of stuff, and yes, thats what we are having in lovely Minniesnowda!

    Great pics, though!

    Cheers and hugs,
    Stella and Mom

  8. Someone posted earlier in the week - "thanks to KB's dad" for the new camera. I second that thought! Your pics are fantastic. Those ice crystals look tangible (and cold!).

  9. What WONDERFUL photos!! I'm so happy to see how nicely she's recovered - it must be so amazing to have her run like this with you again. The way you capture these scenes makes one feel as if you're right there! Have a great weekend!

  10. Your photos just awee me.
    I was talking to Maxmom on her chat room as her sun was rising,, and she said to me "did you see the photo over at KB's!!
    I just knew it would be awsome when I got here, and sure enough it is. Your world is so magical.
    I wish I could say "take me away" take me on a tour.
    Beautiful dual, beautiful world, beautiful words

  11. Gorgeous pics of the beautiful snow and icey frost!


  12. Love that details of the ice crystals on that ornage plant. Spectacular! Glad you are back to romping and rolling through the Rockies with both dogs. Your joy is contagious. Thank you for sharing.

  13. I love the 2nd last peekture, it's so beautiful!

    Seeing R sleep makes me feel like taking a snooze of my own!


  14. heaven on earth!!

  15. How beautiful. I am so glad K is healthy!


  16. Loved the morning photo of Hug Hill swept clean of snow!

  17. The rose bush crystals are just so awe-inspiring. My jaw dropped and I said... Jim come here...look at this...truly beautiful.....not to mention the wisps blowing over the Divide...AND...K of course.!!!!!Tks so much for getting up early!

  18. What spectacular pictures over the last 2 days. The dogs look like they are having a total blast in the woods with you.

  19. Beautiful. You really live in a winter wonderland. We just don't see much in the way of icy crystals here. They're spectacular, and definitely meant to be photographed. :)

  20. When I catch you early, you put a smile on my face to start the day's hustle. When I catch you later, you put a smile on my face no matter how my day is going. Thanks for catching and sharing God's magic.

    BrownDog's Momma

  21. What an amazing view at the start of the day--How many do you think miss seeing such a spectacular sight?

  22. awIm so thwilled that K can enjoy all that booty along wif you and Awe.
    That is the healthiest most bootiful life fow all of you..magnificent pictoowes. Thank you fow showing us.
    Mommi got tiwed just thinking about that bikewide but wishes she still had that enewgy.
    Sleep must be so pawfect and westful aftew a day like that. the icycle looked like much mowe bootiful than silvew evew did
    smoochie kisses
    pee ess K's bwown is the most gowgeous bwown evew

  23. PHEWY! I was exhausted just looking at the pictures!

    Spent today Sunbaking, Ma is all "awww" about R's snoozy photo....


  24. Oh, man, so much to look at and catch up on! All the photos are great but I love the frosty, icy ones (5th, 6th, and 2nd to the last). It's so fun when you can capture those details and having K behind the frosty twigs adds so much.


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