Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

We made it!

Four months ago, K suddenly pulled up completely lame near the top of Hug Hill. She was in surgery within 2 days to reattach a ruptured tendon. The first surgery didn't fix things, a nasty bone infection followed, and her toe was amputated.

We've spent those long months carefully resting and then rebuilding K's strength. Her left paw has become so strong that it looks almost normal, despite a missing toe.
This morning, I donned my cycling gear and made my last preparations for a ride. K hovered near the freezer, expecting that I'd hand her a frozen kong and then disappear into the basement by myself. Instead, I called to her to go with me. She looked at me quizzically. But, she tentatively followed me down to the basement where my bikes live.

We headed out. I pedaled my Fatback snowbike, and K trotted along side me. At first, K didn't waver from her post right next to me. I started worrying that the pace was too hard for her. Then, all of a sudden, she took off ahead of me in a spray of snow crystals. My girl was BACK!

We headed up to Hug Hill, and K continued her ecstatic play. She galloped over the summit.
The only obvious sign of her time away from biking was that she was afraid of my bike, just like when she was a puppy. I had to play some easy and fun games with her next to my bike before she'd pose with it.
After a few minutes, the triumphant pose! But, I have to admit that it appears that K was monitoring the bike out of the corner of her eye.
On our way home, K started running even faster, and clambered onto boulders even when she had the choice of trotting along an easy trail.
It was a fabulous day! Over the past four months, I doubted many times that K and I would ride together again. I was wrong to doubt that this day would come.


  1. Triumph!! I'm so thrilled that you two are BACK!!

  2. Congrats K and welcome back!

  3. I'm so happy for both of you. It's so good to read this wonderful news.

    I see your point about the horses.

  4. Congratulations K and KB. That is totally awesome news and we could not be happier for you.

  5. K has certainly healed and adapted well. She's acting like a pup again! Your final photo is stunning.

  6. A true day of celebration!! I wish I had all the energy that you both have! :-)

  7. One thing I have learned from you, KB, and from Sue of the Porties, is to be very pro-active with your vets in the event of something seriously wrong with the dog. Get in there and work with the vets and show them you mean business!

    Congrats to KB and K for this very special, happy day!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo and Stella

  8. A wonderful day indeed!!! Congrats to both of you! Can see the big smile on K's face as she boulders, and can imagine you had a huge smile on as well! Ah :)

    Sweet hugs,
    Sierra Rose

  9. What a happy day!!! We never doubted today would come but we never expected it so soon. YAY!!!

  10. Oh what a WONDERFUL POST to come home to!!!!! YAY!!!! For a while there things got really scary and I was so worried! I could not be more thrilled than to pull up your blog and find this update :) :) :)


    Monster hugs and special kisses to the beautiful little chocolate bunny!

  11. Oh how awesome!!!! I knew the day would come, but I figured it'd be in Spring after she'd recovered more. She probably hesitated, waiting to see if you were really going to let her go or not! lol "If I proceed with caution, maybe she won't send me back upstairs with the Kong..."

    I wouldn't have guessed she was leary of the bike in that shot, more like she was distracted by something off in the distance. Now that I know, though, I can see it.

    I am so, so happy for both of you! What a great way to start the year after your surgery!

  12. Sounds great. Love the shot of her with her front paws up on the stump.

  13. Woooooeeee! Yay! Mom feels like celebrating! How absolutely wonderful!


  14. I'm a little misty on your behalf. Congratulations to both of you on the perseverance and hard work and TRUST in each other. Her altered paw looks terrific!

  15. Good times!
    We are so happy for this time of celebration!
    We believe in miracles, and this was one.

  16. What good news for K! She looks absolutely thrilled to be running along beside you and in front of you! Four months is a really long time to be inactive but her recuperation time was well worth it! I can picture you grinning from ear to ear as K ran happily along!
    And YES! Daisy the Official Barkaholics Counselor of Blogville will be most happy to have a "sit down" with those coyotes anytime. Just let us know when they are ready to admit they have a problem and then we will proceed!

  17. first of all, way to go K!!! this post brought a huge smile to my face. :)
    and second of all, i'm really liking your snow bike with the fat tires...i can't help but think that would be the perfect year-round bike riding solution for a klutzy girl like me. :D

    the booker man and asa's mama

  18. This is so great! I am so happy and excited for you and K! I am clapping hands and doing the happy dance!

  19. YEAH!!!! WooT WooT!!! I'm so happy to see this post! I knew in my heart that you'd make it here with her :)

  20. Wonderful news, such a happy post! I'll bet she got that frozen Kong afterwards! :)

  21. Tears again! This time, tears of joy! Hallelujah! K runs again!


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