Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wordless Wednesday


  1. That last picture is a stunner!

  2. Wow your photography skills are amazing me again. You asked me what the 52 Week Dog Challenge is. I have committed myself to take one unique, great photo a wk of a dog for 52 wk or a yr. I did a blog post on it.

  3. These are AMAZING!!!! I especially love the second and third photos! It looks like they're having a blast! :)

  4. Beautiful scenery and enthusiastic, happy canine partners. What more does one need?

  5. Thank you for the dose of powerful positive energy on a day when it was SO appreciated!

  6. all the pics are absolutely stunning! K is back!!
    R...what a vibrant young guy, just like Tahoe...full out in nature!!
    both joyous souls!! wouldn't life be boring for them if you were not their mom?!

  7. Who need words with these photos! The dogs look manic in the snow. It is coming down hard here, KB - another powder day tomorrow!

  8. Oh what beautiful action shots of K and R! But for me the best was the shot of the moon...I've missed seeing it because of clouds and misty rain that hung around for several days...finally this afternoon it cleared and the moon tonight seemed like a floodlight!

  9. Oh, wowzers, look at that last pic!!! And the one before it and this one and that one - just gorgeous!!!

    TD and Ciara are having a blast out in our big snowfall. They keep going in and out, in long enough to get toweled off and back out to roll around some more.

  10. Great photos as usual... the colors in that last shot are amazing!

  11. Your photos don't need any words. They're all amazing! I keep going past and thinking "no THAT one is my favorite" and then I see the next one!

    Yep, that was actually about a lap before Blue broke her toe. I think it will be harder for me to let her run than it will be for her to do it! If I tried to dress up hubby's dog like a Greyhound -- I think his world might end!

  12. How do you get all those great shots riding your bike?? :) So are K and R enjoying being back on the trails together? Thanks for sharing in your fun.

  13. thank you,,, we needed these!

  14. Such highly enthusiastic Pups! Its great fun to see them running together again!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella, Zkhat

  15. Looks like you've got a couple of happy companions who'll be too tired to say anything !

  16. Stunning photos, as usual. Our favorite is K, snowy paws presented for the camera and the tip of her tongue tasting the snow on her nose. She looks so happy.

    Jed & Abby

  17. Again, the pictures all speak for themselves...wow...

  18. Hello - it's nice to meets you! I came over from Puddle's bloggie since you said you didn't have a window fire sticker. If you would like one I have one left. You can send me you address by email to tuckergreatdaneATgmailDOTcom.

    woof - Tucker

  19. View, lighting, camera, action!
    Amazing photos!!

    Sweet hugs,
    Sierra Rose

  20. No words needed! Grea pictures!

  21. Seriosly? You is makin' my mum go slink under a rock withs all these amazing fotos.
    My personal favorites are 1,2,3,4,5,6, and 7. Hmmmmm...every single one!


  22. Fantastic pics. No words needed!!! Great action shots of the pups. Your posts always inspire good feelings. - the pups, scenery & wild critters.
    Thank you

  23. That sure is a whole lotta beautifulness and happiness all in one postie!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  24. oh, wow, the sky in the first picture is just amazing! that's my favorite shot, but all of the pictures are gorgeous.
    K is so cute rolling in the snow, and she's got the littlest pink tongue i've ever seen on a lab!
    the first picture of R running...for some reason it made me think that he looked a little greyhoundish! i think it's because his ears are tucked back and his muscles are well defined. :)
    you put on a great WW!

    the booker man and asa's mama

  25. Looks great out there! We're awaiting a trip out to RMNP in a week or so and couldn't agree more about looking to your pups to let you know when "danger" is in the area... We've encountered packs of coyotes quite a bit in our travels and, yes, they can be a handful!

    -Carrie and Ben

  26. This was a really fun Wordless Wednesday! I love when the pictures can tell such a fun story without any words! Love your moon shot! I missed it this month.


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