Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Almost wordless Wednesday

Yesterday afternoon:
Snow faces

Let's share...

Changed my mind - it's mine!

This morning, a new day dawned:
Heading out into the crystal-clear world!

Spontaneous zoomies!


I'm gonna get you!


A yoga pose called "Tongueward Dog"

Blue snow biking

Majestic mountains

Sleeping dogs


  1. These are all amazing shots. I was trying to pick a favorite, but it's not possible. The new day dawning was beautiful with that clear, blue sky. The very last snuggle photo got me too! Hope you all are having a great week.

  2. I cannot pick a favorite photo - wellllll - maybe the one of K peeking from the side of the tree...Or - the Gonna get you and gotcha ones... Great pics!

  3. Beautiful dogs - beautiful day - beautiful pics!

  4. Well said FiveSibesMom! Happy Wednesday to all of you!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  5. I don't think those two like eachother much. do they?

  6. Does some buddy need a ski mask?
    Benny & Lily

  7. WOW KB! absolutely beautiful pictures! i love the snow faces...K peeking behind the tree....tongueward dog.....zoomies....K looks really good! she looks like she's put on some weight...and the mountains...what can i say...thanks for the inspirational images...

  8. K, you scared me there! Hehe.
    Happy Wednesday!


  9. My dog loves to play with sticks also...with the heck is it with dogs and sticks??? He dosen't have a buddy so I'm it :).

  10. Hmmmm, we think they like each other:) Love that peek a boo shot.

    And that last shot - bet buddies.

  11. I agree, the peek a boo shot is the best of a great lot.

  12. These are some of the best pictures yet. I just love that peek-a-boo shot.

    Your pal, Pip

  13. I love every single picture! R even had a snow moustache in that first or second one. I love how ferocious the snow mask made K's face look in the one with the stick, too! And that one of the mountains looks like a postcard!

  14. Now that is some snow. After all that exercise, no wonder you're sleeping.

  15. You have such beautiful pictures and beautiful dogs!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

  16. Oh, I just luvs their happy, snow-covered faces! And I also very much luved looking at the white mountains against that crystal blue sky. Wowee!

    I just read your postie from yesterday and me and mom wanted to thank you for sharing your pain with us. That sounds funny but you are very inspiring with how you make sure to enjoy the world even when you're hurting.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  17. You know you have a good batch of pictures when every single one is frame-worthy and desktop image-worthy.

    Love them! Especially the ones of K and R sharing (and not so sharing) that big stick.

    It looks cold out there, but the cold certainly didn't detract from the beauty!

  18. At this time of year your world looks so brutal but the obvious pleasure of K and R adds a warmth that fills every photo with beautiful joyful promise.

  19. Amazing photo’s. Love the snow on your faces it looks very cool. From Angus and Milo

  20. Is there anyhting as life affirming as a clear, snowy day, blue skies and two frisky labradors ?

  21. Thanks,KB, for the blog post time explanation. I think you're right! Both of the posts where I have had the problem are posts I created the previous day! So now I know what to do.

    LOVE the snowpups photos!!!


  22. Hi Y'all!

    The eyes! The eyes! The conversation is with the eyes!

    What a wonderful sight! Snow covered branches and bright blue sky...the the mountains beyond the fields...whispering their mysteries to the Heavens.

    Alone with Nature, how I love those special moments.

    Have a wonderful day!

    BrownDog's Momma

  23. Hehe I love the peekaboo picture! And the new morning picture! So beautiful where you are!

  24. Peek-a-boo and yoga poses throw in a stick and a little tugging...just perfect!

  25. Looks like they played so hard, they had no energy left!!! Your almost wordless tells such a great story this week! Love the blue snow biking!

  26. PS: Forgot to say, hope you are feeling better today...

  27. Love the pics..
    Do both dogs wear bells or just K? Is it for their safety or the wildlife to know they are there?

  28. These pics cracked me up! Love the Duo... and that last outdoor pic of the mountains, breathtaking!

  29. hisqueen: Both dogs wear bells. The primary reason is to warn wildlife that they're coming. The second reason is that it can help keep track of them, particularly when they're (presumably) trotting along behind me when I'm on my bike. I like being able to hear that they're still there.

  30. about the last one-well-diserved relax:)

  31. Here it is Friday night, and I can take me time to look at your world..
    which I love to dream about , and ponder thoughts, and breath deep.
    Such beautiful photos.. peek a boo
    i see you too


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