Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Canine Kiss

Today is Valentine's Day. For me, dogs represent love. My dogs shower me and each other in love every single day. So, the single image that sums up canine Valentine's Day for me is the piece done by artist Harriet Peck Taylor of K and R. It whimsically depicts an actual event, when R spontaneously gave his sister a kiss during a snowy hike.
Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!

My day was glorious. The clouds and sun painted the skies gorgeously, and the wind was almost still.
To my utter surprise, I was able to snow bike on the trails this morning. I started on the trails behind my house with my chocolate Valentine, K, next to me.
She led the way as I floated in a state of grace atop the snow crust.
And, she agreed to pose at point where we can see the beautiful mountains.
After pedaling and playing with K, I headed out for a solo snow bike ride, going to a network of snowshoe trails that are heavily used on weekends but empty on weekdays, hoping to find decent snow bike conditions. I pedaled west with snowy mountains as my beacon.
When I reached the end of the road, I followed a completely deserted snow shoe trail, and the conditions were spectacular. I flew along on the hard packed snow, back in the forest rather than on the roads where I've been riding for close to a week.

I rode through corridors of pine trees.
I pedaled through groves of thin aspen trees.
It was the best snowbiking that I've done in a very long time. I wanted to stay longer but I had to hurry home to meet our internet service person who I hoped would speed up our slothfully slow connection. He did find one big problem - a squirrel had chewed halfway through a wire going from the antenna into our house. As soon as he replaced the wire, our speed doubled. It's still not fast due to an overloaded radio tower that we rely on. But, it's better than before!

Finally, the sun set on a wonderful day...


  1. Another beeootiful day! Happy Valentine's Day my furiends!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  2. Bart, Gizmo and Ruby send kisses to K and R!

  3. From dawn to sunset, you had a beautiful day! (And even had chocolate with you - sorry, couldn't resist...) I love the 3rd photo of K on the trail with the big sky behind her.

  4. We love the image of you and your chocolate Valentine riding through your beautiful area. Our human sister spent the weekend in Colorado and spent some time in Boulder. She fell in love with the place. Funny thing, we have too through your blog:)

    Awesome photos!!!

    Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  5. The girls here are all shaking their heads in that "it's always the darned squirrels" expression I've come to know. I ususally see it after the squirrels have been up to some sort of mischief here in the house.

    I'm glad to see you had such a beautiful day there in the mountains! I don't think it's possible for it not to be beautiful every day there, though, because you have a gift for finding the beauty in everything.

  6. Thanks for sharing your special loves. We are honored.

    This is a very special day for me, too!

    Happy Valentine's Day! May your hearts be filled with love and joy!

  7. It looks like you had a beautiful day!

    I love the kiss picture, it is perfect!

    Happy Valentine's Day to all of you:)

  8. Nothing beats the love and devotion of a dog!!! Humans could learn a lot from us!

    More gorgeous pics as always! The view where you are makes us jealous!

    Holly & Khady

  9. Beautiful cloud shots! Happy Valentine's Day!

  10. Happy Hearts Day!

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie

  11. Glad your internet is even slightly better - better than nothing for now!

    I LOVE that pine tree corridor picture. What a vividly blue sky!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  12. What a perfectly positive day! And yes- it all starts and ends with dogs = love.

    I could physically feel being on those trails. Thanks for that glimpse of heaven :)

  13. OOps! How could I forget...

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  14. No better way to celebrate to celebrate Valentines Day than with K and R.
    I can feel mother earth painting love in your forest. It surround you.
    Happy Valentines Day

  15. Happy Valentines Day!
    No better way to enjoy such a beautiful valentines that a day like today- with K and R!

    Blogger is being cranky tonight and did not keep my other comment(i guess) because it disappeared.
    We feel the love in your moutains.

  16. gorgeous! want you to know i bought a bike attachment for the husky. i may get one for both dogs... i took her cycling and she loved it! she's happier when she's running... i think about you and K and R when I take the bike out whether with the dogs or without!

  17. What a beautiful day! As if you were indeed riding through amazing paintings!

    Sweet hugs,
    Sierra Rose

  18. Oh I just knews it was them pesky little varmits...always blame them fur whatevers goes wrong!

    What a beautiful place you gets to enjoy everyday...sigh.


  19. Those darn squirrels! They are only good for chasing!

  20. I'm so glad you got to bike in the forest that you love so much. And, that you got to bike with K. Your pictures show a wonderful day, that you obviously enjoyed to the fullest.

    Glad your internet guy found the problem. Darn squirrels! They're so cute, but they can be so destructive.

  21. I love that painting! Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day!

  22. What an awesome sunset photo! But all your cloud pictures are wonderful. How funny that a squirrel is the culprit of part of your internet sluggishness. Who'd have thought?!? Valentine chocolate lab... that was great!

  23. Beautiful photos! And I can absolutely sympathize regarding the slow internet connection...

  24. aahhhh, happee Valentine's Day
    Benny & Lily

  25. Happy Valentine's Day a day late!

    I luved this postie. I felt like I was riding right alone with you.

    And as IF we needed anymore evidence that squirrels are EVIL. Stupid squirrels.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  26. Double speed...congrats...the snow biking is very intriguing...do you use a special bike/tire/gears? And your lungs must be mighty strong;-) Happy V Day to all of you!

  27. Such beautiful photos! I feel like I'm actually there looking at everything! Lots of love, Debbie and mom

  28. I hope you all had a lovely Valentine's Day. I'm having a busy week, but trying to catch up with everyone. Your artwork of R and K definitely set the right tone for Valentine's!


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