Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sound asleep

Today, we woke up well before dawn to drive up to higher trails and play in the snow in "Moose Land". We saw the sun rise from the car but this photo of K in the sunrise light was from a few days ago.
We all played hard.
And we enjoyed azure skies over the snow.
It was very hard work on a snowbike because a fresh and loose layer of new snow overlaid the packed trail.
I arrived home, ready to write a blog post. I settled into my spine-friendly reclining chair with my laptop on my lap, and I promptly fell sound asleep for a few hours! Sometimes, the body insists on resting... and there's no defying it.

That's why this post is so short on words. While I was sleeping, I kept hitting the "e" key and I ended up with pages and pages and pages of "e". It was pretty funny but would've made a boring post! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
The Duo woke me up in time to take them for a sunset hike.
On a separate topic, the Runner spotted a red fox in our clearing yesterday evening. They're rare in our small neck of the woods. Sadly, he didn't walk in front of a camera so here's a photo of the lithe fox who visited us a couple of years ago.
Isn't he handsome? I bet that he has a thicker fur coat at this time of year. I'm hoping that he comes back to get his photo taken!



  1. I'm giggling over the pages of e's! That must have been a pain to delete. It must have been a great morning hike, though!

    We see foxes around here quite a bit, but I never have the camera handy when I do. You have a great picture of one, even if it from a while back!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I always say if you feel the need for a nap, you reeeeeeeeeeeeeally do need it!

    Great pics!

    Of course, I didn't have the camera ready when the fox dashed through our yard last month -

  4. Talk about that fox makes us wonder if our little fox will be coming back this year. Hope you can get a pic.

    Getting up that early entitled you to a snooooooooooooze even if it led to all those eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees.

    Have a great week.

  5. So funny! I'm always afraid of falling asleep with the computer in my lap...I'm afraid I'll drop it. I'm known to try to curl up in my chair.

    Fantastic shots. Sometimes I can't think of words to express my thoughts...that's when I resort to pictures.

    BrownDog's Momma

  6. From now I will think of you on your mountain bike, zooming down a hill, surrounded by beautiful scenery saying, "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" all the way down :-)

  7. What a handsome little guy. Love your walks
    Benny & Lily

  8. Beautiful pictures! I can certainly understand the eeeeeeeeeeeeee!! What a cute fox! All I've seen around here was a few rather unpleasant looking possums this winter lurking around the neighborhood. I really enjoy your photos so much. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

  9. Wow,a red fox! That's so cool!

    Your pal, Pip

  10. I cannot get over how blue that sky is!

    And cool pic of the fox!

  11. Wow, the pics are stunning! It looks like a fun time.

    I have a great blog I'd love for you to check out, www.PetBlogsUnited.com. It's a wonderful place for pet bloggers to find each other.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  12. After all the hiking and biking you do, you deserve a good long nap!!
    The eeeeeeeeeeee thing is funny:)

  13. Some folks say dogs can't laugh or smile. Look at the second picture and tell me whether you agree.

  14. That is what we call an honest sleep around here and it is the best. EEEEEEEEE!

    Mango Momma

  15. Now see, I would haves posted sumptin likes dat and I can only conclude dat most comments would agrre dat it would haves been amusing.

    What gorgeous fotos.


  16. Oh, that's funny! Sometimes, a good snooze is just the ticket.

    Every time I see one of your pictures of those mountains, I think of how the sight of them must lift your spirits. You are truly blessed to live amongst such majestic beauty.

  17. That is too funny. Thank goodness your pain allowed you to snooze. Loved the photographs.

  18. can't.....help.....myself.....heeeeeee...heeeeeee!!!

    Love feeling exhausted to the point where fighting sleep is impossible. (As long as the fatigue is brought on my good things!)

  19. Gorgeous photos as always; they say it all. Hope the nap refreshed and reinvigorated! Giggling (just a little) over the eeeeeeees...I had an iguana who loved to lay on the keyboard to sun and if I left anything open I would find cryptic unpronouncable messages,too!

  20. Well, we would have given you an eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for effort for that blog post.

  21. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    I couldn't help myself...
    I sometimes play a computer video game that requires my character to run around and explore a virtual environment. I've been so sleepy while playing in the past, that I've fallen off of cliffs, run into giant monsters and more often than not, awoken to find myself running in place against a wall. Then I head to bed :)

  22. I would say your body is telling you something....sleeeeeeep...pleeeeaseee!

  23. oh my gosh- what a fantstic photo of the fox!


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