Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wordless Wednesday


  1. Those flowers you threw in there are remarkable. They are___? K and R are just having the best lie together.

  2. OOps...that should be ...LIFE...together! :-)

  3. Ohhhhhh...did you finally catch the fox..he is really beautiful.
    Love the pups together.

  4. I really wonder if there is another blog anywhere that showcases the beauty and athleticism of the Labrador Retriever nearly as well as yours does? ( Not to mention the heart stopping scenery and wildlife backgrounds)

  5. We so have to agree with Bibi - the pups look so good there - they always do, but even more so today. So much beauty on this post, from dogs to scenery, to wildlife. We need to hire you for photo services:)

  6. Love the shot of K with her tail pointing straight behind her and only one paw touching the rock. She's flying!

  7. K leaping over the rocks is my favorite shot in the bunch. :)

  8. Beautiful would be an understatement! I love everything. Holly would love that rock too!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

  9. Wells all I can says is AHHHHHHHHHH!
    It's always so nice and pleasant coming heres.


  10. Amazing and Beootiful! :) Happy Wednesday my furiends!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  11. I think that the pictures of the dogs come out so well because we can all see the love you have for them in every shot.

    The last picture of the coyote cracked me up. That camera going off sure took him by surprise.

  12. Gorgeous photos! What kind of flowers are those?

  13. You guys sure are photogenic.
    Benny & Lily

  14. Hey....no fair! Your WW pictures are waaaaay better than mine!

    Great pictures! Love the ones of the duo!

  15. Your Wordless Wednesday pictures put the rest to shame!

    I'm sorry the internet's been giving you fits! I had a feeling you'd been having more trouble with it since I didn't see you post yesterday.

    The test is for Search and Rescue. Hubby's always dreamed of doing it, although he seems to think Morgan might not be cut out for it. She tends to be more of a ladies dog, but she minds him better in the house. We'll see how their evaluation goes next month. I suppose he's going to try to convince me that he needs another Shepherd! :P

  16. That coyote looks like a dear in headlights! I love the sun-filled pictures, makes me think of spring.

    Your pal, Pip

  17. Wonderful, incredible, beautiful and extraordinary pictures, KB...you have a talent with that camera of yours!
    Sending lotsaluv

  18. R is looking quite aristocratic in that first photo.

  19. Hi Y'all,

    Rumor has it that the Rockies are getting a couple days of new snow. Y'all gettin' it there?

    Love the wonderful pictures of the Duo. Noticed someone's comment about "beauty and athleticism" of the Lab as a breed.

    Even working, hunting Labs don't look like the Duo. People over feed and don't give consistant exercise to these dogs.

    Y'all stay warm and safe now,
    BrownDog's Momma

  20. That coyote sure did look surprised!

    What pretty, pretty pictures. The dogs look pawsitively golden!

    Wiggles & Wags,

  21. As for the flower, I'm not sure what kind it was. It was a dried out flower from last summer that was shimmering in the sunlight as I crouched down working on a wildlife camera. I think that it might have been an aster (a daisy-like flower) but I'm not sure.

    To me, it's an example of the notion that beauty is all around us if we just look for it.

  22. Oh, marvelous light on Long!!! And more gorgeous portraits of the duo together! I especially love that shot of K in action.

  23. I agree with Bibi - it's always fun to check in with the Duo's "action scenes". They are wonderful examples of Labness :)

    That coyote looks a bit startled. Like he just realized the camera has been there all along!

  24. I love stopping by hear to see your photographs and get a glimpse at your wild life cameras. Look at the sun showing off those healthy coats! You put a lot of smiles on our faces with your great posts, thanks!

  25. My favorite powerful word is "splendorious ".
    These photos are the highlight of our evening.
    K and R could not be more beautiful.
    Your mountains could not be more magestic.
    We love your world, thank you for sharing it with us,


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