Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A brief return of winter

Yesterday, the storm clouds rolled in, and I did a snow dance while the Duo frolicked in the cool air.

We are 6' behind our average snow fall for the winter. Our fire danger is already intense. But, just like all the other storms so far this winter, last night's storm just rushed over top of us, leaving a dusting of snow. K galloped through it this morning.
Moreover, the main lasting effect was wind. In this photo on Hug Hill, I caught K during a lull in the bone-rattling gusts.
But, in most of my photos, her ears flapped in the wind like waving flags.
We headed for the protection of some trees where I enjoyed seeing the thin coat of snow barely covering the wintergreen plants. At our turnaround point, K implored me to go further. Sorry girl, not yet!
After I dropped K at home, I headed out on my own. The snow melted under an intense sun very rapidly. I spotted a yellow flower. I thought that it was gorgeous, especially with the micro-forest of green plants sprouting all around it. If you look closely at the world, there's beauty everywhere!
Yes, I do know that it was a dandelion. But, I try not to let society's designation that these yellow gems are "weeds" change my view of them.

At the end of my ride, I discovered the elk herd near our house. Most of the long-legged ungulates dozed in the shade of a clump of trees. But, a young and very thin buck stood watching me.
I love that the elk herd hangs around near our house so much in the springtime. Today, bluebirds fluttered around them, and, very soon, Broad-tailed Hummingbirds will buzz overhead. In the meantime, please do a snow dance for us. As much as I yearn for summer-like weather, our world needs a humongous dump of snow so that the plants and animals can flourish, and we humans can stop worrying so much about wildfires.


  1. There is beauty every where! And thank you for helping us to see more of it! I was wondering what kind of a camera do you use? I really admire how clear and sharp the pictures of K are and how they can capture the details of her beautiful eyes!

    Ruthie's mom (Kim)

  2. Ahhh, so lucky to have Old Man Winter give you a little gift! Beautiful pics!

  3. Dancin' for snow FOR YOU here on this beautiful spring afternoon. I took a little inspiration from you this afternoon and took pictures of some beautiful flowers on our walk which I hope to post this week!

    We've had enough rain this year in CA that the gov. lifted our "drought" warning. Hopefully no fires for us this year...

  4. Today my ears were flapping just like K's, and now a snowstorm is raging! That dandelion would be a sure sign of spring to me!

  5. Wow. 6' below average is a bunch. K doesn't seem to enjoy the wind anymore than I do.

  6. We'll do our snow dance for your neck of the woods--I know how vital water is!! I worry about our not getting enough rain this year and am thinking of adding an extra water barrel just in case...

  7. Hi KB
    We will wish for snow for you,,,
    I am doing a snow dance right now.
    I know how important it is for the forest and all living things to have plenty of water... I send my wishes now.
    The dandilion is the most beautiful one that I have ever seen,.
    K looks so happy and beautiful to be flying along the snowy path.
    Her eyes speak many words

  8. winter just doesn't want to go away
    Benny & Lily

  9. We will for sure do a snow dance for you!

    We had 80 degrees and sunshine today but I know we haven't seen the last of the snow..not just yet!
    I know what you mean about dandelions, my daughter picks them for me all the time and I just don't have the heart to tell her that they are weeds! They are flowers in her mind and that is fine by me!

  10. I can't believe we were up past eighty degrees today and you got snow! I will keep my fingers crossed that you get a lot more snow or rain soon, though.

    Isn't it funny how much we adore those yellow dandelions when we're little and then turn around and call them weeds? It just doesn't seem right!

  11. We feel that way as well about 'weeds' and things -

    They deserve to grow too!

    Great pictures - loved K's ears in the 'breeze' -

  12. I can understand why you are thinking about fires with West Texas being pounded by wildfires.
    I hope you get a whole lot of snow if it keeps the bad fires away.

    We have had rain most all day long and chilly temps.


  13. Don't give up hope. Overnight we've gone from 90 degrees all the way back to 55. The wells run dry, so while you hope for snow we'll be hoping for rain.

  14. Do hope you get the snow you want, Barb seems to be getting her share ...as far as dandelions, I love seeing them in my field.

  15. snow dance today for you!
    lovely pics, as always...
    have a great week!

  16. Consider that snow dance danced! I'm glad you like dandelions. Soon, my yard will be covered with their bright yellow beauty. I wouldn't be surprised if my neighbors hate me, because I do nothing to control them and the seeds drift to their lawns. But, I don't mind them, they speak of Spring to me.

  17. We will do the snow dance for you to get some added snow there!! We have had almost too much rain here the last few months and everything is muddy. Love the pictures as always!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

  18. I know I don't comment on every post, but I just wanted to drop a note to remind you how much I enjoy your blog. The pictures are always amazing and you inspire me to keep pushing forward every day. Corny I know but true. I am just shy of one year since my injury and first fusion surgery (may 5 and 8). I went snowboarding Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (not all day, just a few hours each) and then took off on a mini road trip adventure last night. I woke up this morning feeling stiff and sore and beaten. I dragged myself out of bed and went on a walk for a few hours because I thought of you and your morning adventures. As soon as I got moving I started to feel better.

    Thank you!


  19. We do hope you get the snow that you need. We sure don't need another year of horrible fires. Texas is under the gun now.

    Your photography skills are so good that you can make a dandelion a treasure to behold:)

  20. I'm so sorry I haven't been around to visit in a while, KB. But, your pictures do not disappoint! Thanks for sharing a slice of your world with me (my world is filled far too much with books and studying right now!)

  21. That is a LOT of water you didn't get. What a shame.

    I'm also a dandelion lover. What else can feed you with its leaves, give you the basis for making a drink, entertain you when you blow the seeded heads away, and look so fetching when they are full yellow?

  22. We'll sure do a snow/rain dance for you! We sure don't want you to have to deal with any fires like last year!


  23. That lanky, young elk is a sure sign of spring!

    I do hope you get more snow, and even more so, I hope your back is feeling better :)

  24. You are so right that if you look hard enough, there is beauty everywhere...thanks for reminding us! We, too, experienced the wild winds of Saturday as its gusts and swirling sand added an intensity to our visit to the Gila National Wilderness. Such energy!

  25. A snow(moisture) dance is in progress for you and your land. Fire is so nerve wracking and disconcerting. We love dandelions here and the shade of yellow is so joyful. The sight of the thin elk looked so pitiful, one hopes it will not become food for another. If so, that's Mother Nature's way.

  26. Hi Y'all,

    I'm with you about the dandelion! In New York state there was a farm that raised them and made all kinds of concoctions with them. I wasn't there long enough to find out what all the uses are. The blooming field was certainly a beautiful sight that has remained in my memory forever. (A moment in time.)

    Y'all come by now,
    BrownDog's Momma


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