Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Desert and elk photos

I had planned to continue the story of our trip today. However, to be honest, my back hurts too much for me to work at my computer for long. So, I'll just share a few photos today and hopefully, I'll feel better tomorrow.

K gazed over a canyon at sunset.

My bike was ready to go for an adventure on the desert slickrock with snowy mountains on the horizon.

The Duo donned my favorite riding jerseys. R's featured a Lucky Black Lab and K's featured a Chocolate Lab!

While we were away, my wildlife cameras had lots of visitors. This cow elk was pretty funny on her first visit to a camera that I have set up in a pine forest on a well-worn animal trail.
 She showed off her four shapely legs for the cam.
 Then, she let us focus on her hind legs.
I don't know if this was the same cow elk the next morning, carefully sniffing a bobcat and mountain lion scent post replete with cat scat and urine.
The elk left in a hurry. I don't blame her.
Finally, a bobcat walked along the edge of a meadow after a light snow.
It's fun having remote cameras taking wildlife photos in my home forest while I'm on vacation! I have more trail camera photos to share but I'll save them for a later post.


  1. Hope your back feels better soon! Fab shots of R & K...and as always, I'm amazed by your wildlife pics! Happy Friday!

  2. oh, i hope your back starts cooperating with you....
    love the pics with the jerseys!!

  3. Take it easy, and enjoy your weekend!!!

  4. Oh no! I am sorry to hears your back has been bothering you! My mum knows just hows you feels. Please feel betters soon.
    Hehehehe...I loves da jerseys...very stylish!

    Oh, hehehehe...I was laughin' at your comment. Maybe I should just moves in withs you...hehehehe! It's a shame my mum has to put ups with me:)


  5. The Duo look so handsome in their shirts - first time we have seen them dressed:)

    We hope your back will improve soon - take care.

  6. Cool boys in their shirts! I love the color pics you are getting of the local walkers!

    Is that unusual for one of the elk herd to break away?

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo and Stella

  7. Hi KB
    I am so happy to hear from you.
    I love the bob cat photo so much.
    Course I love all your photos.
    I will send magic bubbles to make your back feel better.
    My dial up has been "the pitts" as mommy says. We are doing a trial of DSL... so we will see how it goes.
    I hope you feel better soon

  8. Hope your back feels better tomorrow. I love the jerseys!

    Your pal, Pip

    P.S.: I promise not to teach your duo my tricks for breaking through barriers

  9. Thanks for sharing these despite the back discomfort -

    Khyra thanks you for the khytty picture!

  10. I'm glad to see the wildlife were busy while you were gone!

    I love the pictures of the Labraduo! You really do need a camera. I thought of them tonight while we were visiting my sister in law. She has the sweetest yellow lab, Lily, and she has this habit of just sitting there beside you, waiting to be petted. She's getting the faintest traces of frosting on her face now, but she has the kindest eyes! Of course, my dogs insisted I change clothes and remove the stink immediately when I got home! :P

  11. Hope yo can pick up on all the healing vibes being sent your way. Enjoy the trip.

  12. I hope your back gets better soon! I love the peektures, and the jerseys!


  13. Feel better. Rest up.

    I found out we have bobcats right here in the suburbs of Boston. Yikes.

    Mango Momma

  14. Hi Y'all,

    Thanks for stoppin' by. Paws crossed and prayers from my Human that you're quickly feelin' your best!

    We had to come back to the mountains Thursday evening for my vet visit Friday morning. Friday morning our ground was covered with a dusting of white stuff too.

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  15. Hope your back is better today. We are enjoying the pictures of your vacation and the picture of the labraduo in the jerseys is great.

  16. K's collar ladened with a bell and tags is "mmmm"....and the colouring of K...I know why you love chocolates (doggies that is). Sophie's chocolate colouring is very evident right now with her hair cut...I love to stroke her when she's shorn. T-shirt dogs is a real hoot!

  17. The photo of the labs in your jerseys.... PRICELESS! I really enjoyed this post, but I wish you weren't suffering again. My heart always goes out to you when I hear your back is acting up again.


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