Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dreaming of a white Easter

Do you think we'll have a white Easter, R?
Nah, I don't think so. Look, K, even the sand lilies are blooming in our meadow!
And, the elk are calmly grazing by the pond. They're not fleeing down the mountain like they often do before storms (the rest of the herd was just outside my field of view).
Look at those sunset clouds. I don't know, K, maybe we will have a white Easter. It looks like a storm is heading our way.
Needless to say, we all awakened to a snowstorm. I dusted off my snowbike so K and I could romp on the trails together.

This is the time of year when my attitude toward snow starts to sour although I know how desperately we need it. Even K looked a bit dubious about having clumps of snow on her face.
But, she bounced back and so did I. We played in the snow.
Later in the day, I visited spring, 3000' below us. Look at the spring blossoms!
The rule of thumb is that springtime lags by 10 days for every 1000' of elevation gain. So, the Pin Cherries should bloom here in about 30 days! Now that's something to eagerly anticipate.

Is anyone else having a white Easter?


  1. Of course we are having a White Easter. The fact that the storm is actually a massive wave of Siberian fur is not really relevant, is it?

    Seriously, it was 70F today, so the dogs are all blowing coat.

  2. We have a similar white storm inside at our house. Mom says she will have to vacuum AGAIN tomorrow before all the family arrives for dinner.

    AND we will have another rainstorm outside - the rain that just won't go away.

    Pin Cherries - have not heard of those but can't wait to see them.

    Happy Easter to all.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara and Mom

  3. I love the pictures as always! Snow...brrr!! It is about 70 degrees here and has rained lots but I don't think we are going to have anymore snow!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

  4. We're having a brown Easter this year, all mud, but we sure love looking at your pictures and reading about your adventures.

  5. What great shots AS USUAL!

    We hit 70 or so - and currently raining -

    Khyra says have a hoppy one!

  6. We're supposed to have a very soggy and wet Easter, which is not so good. We're way ahead on rainfall here this year. Farmers need a bit of time to get some crops planted.

    I love those pictures of the Labraduo! They always look so fabulous. I hope you all have a wonderful Easter, even if it is white!

  7. No, we are done with that! We are busy putting tomato seeds into little trays...always hopeful :)

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  8. Nice photos! And yeah, we're having a white Easter in Finland too!:)

  9. Great to see the labraduo playing in the snow. If you're going to have a white Easter someone might as well enjoy it !

  10. A White Easter??? Oh, only in our dreams! Enjoy it for us! Love the Herd's "snow!" We don't even have any of that yet! Happy Easter!

  11. A letter from a friend in Collierado said they got 6" of new snow for Easter. (Salida)

    But we got what my Mom's been asking for 60 degrees for the next week! A little mid-week rain, but thats OK as long as it stays warmer than the 30 degrees we have been having. There is hope for spring!


  12. Have a lovely day, regardless of color!!

  13. We awoke to a sunny Easter, but some clouds have rolled in now. Believe it or not, it's 85 degrees here. Wow! I hope you all enjoy the day. Your warmer weather will be here before you know it. :)

  14. The crazy weather continues...marine layer here, drizzly, yuck!
    Happee Easter
    Benny & Lily

  15. happy happy easter to you, miss KB, miss K, and R!! we are most definitely NOT having a white easter at my house...it's 90 degrees. bleh!

    the booker man

    pee s -- my word verification thingie was "slant". heehee.

  16. Hi KB

    We are having an Easter with some rain , sunshine, wind and rainbows.
    No snow for us.
    Your spring blossoms are so gorgeous...
    I know your white Easter was stunning


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