Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday: Animals I've seen recently

Can you guess where I was?


  1. Someplace which inspires K to do dogya! Nice to see you!!

  2. We tried to figure out what that lizard is and we think it might be a sagebrush lizard. The only problem is that it can be found in so many areas, like New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, or Montana. We will guess New Mexico.

  3. Beautiful! Welcome back!
    my word verification, panted...

  4. You were probably in Moab, near Arches National Park.

    Mogley G. Retriever

  5. It's so good to see you back! That last picture made me want to guess the Grand Canyon, but I don't think it's particularly dog friendly, so I'm a bit stumped! I can't wait to find out where you were! It certainly agreed with the lovely Miss K!

  6. We have missed you and your beautiful photographs!

    Your pal, Pip

  7. Hi Y'all,

    So glad y'all all back! Even if, like Houndstooth, we feel someplace "Grand Canyon like" along the Colorado River.

    The one picture of K looks more like a painting.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  8. I have no idea, but I can't wait to find out and read all about it:)

  9. We have no idea where you are, but we love your doggie yoga and your pictures too!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  10. Beautiful, and we love the dogya
    Benny & Lily

  11. Welcome back,,
    gee at first I thought it was a horned toad lizzard.. but i do not think it is,,,
    but my guess is the Grand Canyon, or Zion?
    Gorgeous photos. I know there are many beautiful place to see,,,,
    and you know how to capture all the beauty. K and R are beautiful as ever.

  12. You were camping in the San Raphael Swell, and K was doing sun salutations on the red rock. Wow - those are great Bighorn shots! I hear the Mts are getting snow (we're in CA).

  13. Somewhere out west?? BOL!! Love those photos of the Big Horns and of course K doing her down dog. Hope you had a great adventure. Can't wait to hear all about it.

  14. Welcome back. We would guess Utah. Hope it was a marvelous adventure where ever you roamed.

  15. Every shade of brown in that top photo. Priceless artistry .

  16. Some place warm and dry...not cool and wet like here!

  17. Definitely not where I live! What wonderful photos!

  18. Could we live in a more beautiful place!? We haven't seen lizards but we had antelope, deer and foxes right here close!


    Mr. Nubbin'

  19. You most definitely hit the wildlife jackpot in Utah's canyon country!

    San Rafael Swell is a great guess, but that tall shadow on the mountains is making me think Behind the Rocks, Arches or Canyonlands. Excellent photos, and I hoped you were getting some great riding and great photos while you were away. Welcome home!

  20. I will leave the guessing to others and instead respond with a Big WELCOME BACK!

    The day just doesn't seem right without some of those wonderful photos you take!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Stella, Zkhat and Jo

  21. Wonderful pics! L-O-V-E that last one...it looks like a painting! Welcome back!!!

  22. I'm not sure where the photos were taken but I see your back in blogosphere and I have some catching up to do.

  23. Glad to see you again - my guess is Utah ;)


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