Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Little Grand Canyon

After escaping Rattlesnake Canyon, we made a beeline for the San Rafael Swell in Utah, a region that is a labyrinth of canyons within ancient rock. I experienced one canyon on my bike from its rim and its depths. First, I rode along its canyon wall and peered down at the dizzying view. A day later, I rode along the riverside down on the canyon floor (details tomorrow). That canyon was called "Little Grand Canyon". The San Rafael River courses through it.
I loved seeing the canyon so much from my bike that we returned to eat dinner while watching the sun set from the canyon rim. Sweet K let me take her picture in the magical light.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!


  1. Magnificent and beautiful....K and the canyon!

  2. The light in your canyon shot is extraordinary, too. I love overcast sky in the desert - if it's not raining!!

  3. Just beootiful!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  4. The light is magical! K looks beautiful.

    Your pal, Pip

  5. Maybe you could post the GPS coordinates so others could go to the exact same spot to take picture. Just an idea...thanks for the pictures!

  6. Beautiful. I bet the photos from your trip are comforting now that you're experiencing more snowfall.

  7. Sweet K, you look good in any light!!


  8. Ohhhh,, the colors!!
    You captured the colors and shadows perfectly, and K in her magesty!!

  9. o beautiful...looks like a little Grand Canyon
    Benny & Lily

  10. Those rocky canyons are so beautiful. I'd like to see something like that in person someday. All those times visiting Arizona and I never even made it to the Grand Canyon. This must be rectified.

  11. What a fantastic view! I can see why you'd want to go back. That must have been a great dinner!

  12. K is just glowing! You got a great photo of the Swell, KB.

  13. Had never heard of the San Rafael Swell in Utah . Awesome photos .

  14. Hi DaysRun,

    I don't have easy access to the GPS coordinates but I can take a look at a map to try to find the approximate ones. I don't keep the GPS function on in my camera because it runs down the batteries...


  15. Absolutely beautiful!!! Lots of love, Holly & Mom

  16. It's a crazy Monday here at my office and how I would love to be sitting there and enjoying the view....

    I hope your weekend was an enjoyable one, and your week is off to a good start!

  17. Oh My Gosh! That photo is so striking...you captured the depth so well. K looks so content!

  18. What a beautiful spot in the world! Since I haven't been able to make it out there in way too long, it's so nice to live vicariously through your photos!


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