Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mama bear still has two cubs

I didn't want to admit that I was worrying about the fact that I saw only one cub with mama bear during our "unexpected meeting" the other day. I was hoping to catch the whole family on camera soon so that I'd know that both cubs were alive and well.

It happened last evening, during that dusky time of night when my wildlife camera tends to give blurry photos. Mom arrived first, nose in the air. Perhaps she smelled me.
Next, I saw the obedient cub following on mama bear's heels. In every photo sequence of this family (here and here), one cub (probably always the same one) is obedient and the other is more independent. The independent one is arriving in the far left of the photo below.
The independent one leaped onto a boulder in front of my camera.
... and posed there for an instant before bounding after his family.
I haven't captured any further photos of Socks. However, as I went through my archives of photos, I found one of the bear who I'm guessing is Socks' father. He visited our clearing in 2005.
He probed every possible route to our bearproof birdfeeders. He visited our birdfeeders only once. He's a smart guy, knowing an impossible task when he saw it.
For some bizarre reason, we named him Milton way back then.


  1. all we could say is yikes!!
    Benny & Lily

  2. Yes....I was worried to. I am so glad they are all still together and safe.

  3. Very cool that you've been so persistent in securing the knowledge that both cubs were okay!!! Whew! Sock's dad sure seems like a smarty pants - thanks, as always, for sharing the magnificent pix!
    Sammie ,Avalon and Mom

  4. Wow ,, look at the bear up the tree!! He must have some long toe nails!
    I wonder which bear cub... that I would be the most like,,, hummmm

  5. I have a friend in Minnesota who is very curious about your bearproof feeder system! She was so proud -- she'd gotten this fancy squirrel proof feeder and an hour after she left it out in her back yard, a bear had knocked it down. I told her if I ever saw a post about how you made your bear proof feeders that I'd share it with her.

    Do you think that Socks was the more independent cub in her family? Is that why she left first?

  6. Milton the bear. Made my day .

  7. I have to say I also wondered and hoped that 'baby bear' was okay--I'm glad that he's just fine and hopefully will learn to listen to 'Momma bear' a bit better!

  8. I so wish I could climb trees likes dat...maybe I'll get mum to quit clippin' my nails and see if dat'll work:)


  9. There's always got the be a free spirit in the bunch :). The free spirit probably drive momma crazy.

  10. Milton, what a guy! Trying so hard to get to the feeder....funny.
    Love the independent cub!

  11. Great pictures of the bears!! Milton Bear is funny going up the tree to try to get to the feeder!! Lots of love, Holly & Mom

  12. I'm so glad you know for sure now both cubs are still with Mom. And I love that you name the wildlife, like I do! Adds personality to the name, don't you think? (I begin to associate the names with the animals instead of any humans I know by the same name...)

  13. Glad to know the little bear babies are still both doing well and learning important lessons from mom!

  14. Ahhh, so good to know the family is still a family of three. Milton??? Wish we knew the story behind that one. He sure looks very daring and determined.

  15. duh, all bears have names beginning with the letter M.
    Mabel, Mikey etc.

  16. I love the idea that one of the cubs is a bit of a stinker. I'm glad they are both just fine. Mama too.


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