Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer romps!

I went to a friend's house so that I could have a decent internet connection, with the added bonus that I got to hang out with their wonderful dog, JB.

For today, I have time for just a couple of photos. Our amazing hummers... He was too fast and not quite in focus but what a handsome bird!
This kind of scene is the norm by our feeder on our deck these days. The hummers are battling for supremacy at the feeder.
Fortunately, human feeders are no longer their mainstay for calories. Our world has exploded in bloom! Look at the Golden Banner lining this favorite trail of mine!
And, our dogs and I are enjoying romping in the beauty a couple of times a day.


  1. Beautiful photos...just LOVE that last shadow photo...gorgeous!

  2. We agree, that shadow shot is awesome. And oh my, those birds - so beautiful. You can come use our internet any time if you can show me how to do photos like that:)

  3. Your pictures are awesome! Those hummingbirds are so fast and you captured them immediately!!! Love that last picture too!!! Lots of love, Debbie & Mom

  4. I love K's silhouette against that blue sky!

    Those hummingbirds are definitely a challenge to photograph! You did better than I would have, I'm sure!

    I'm sorry you're still having so much grief with the internet connection!

  5. Colorado is too amazing! And that first humm'bird shot is gorgeous, never mind the slight blur - that is what they do??? Heheh! The silhouette of K (oops - R?) is absolutely gorgeous! Ahhh CO!!!

  6. I love the hummingbird! That's an amazing shot.

    Your pal, Pip

  7. Oh my gosh! Those are fabulous hummingbird photos! :D

    Thanks for sharing,

  8. Wow! Great shots of the hummers.

  9. Great shots as always!! Wish I were in the CO forests!
    I'm looking for a major break from politics soon....:)
    How's R's toe?

  10. Thank goodness for friends and their internet capabilities, eh! Loving the hummers...we have one fellow trying to feed on our `crown of thorns`plant in the window....beautiful red blooms 365 days of the year...must move that plant...soon!

  11. The hummingbird pictures are very cool. They dive at our heads some times
    Benny & Lily

  12. I love the meadow. What a great place to romp.

  13. There is nothing prettier than a mountain meadow in bloom! We have hummers all over the yard as well. It is amazing how fiesty the little guys are.

    Thanks for the much needed encouragement. I, too, thought the value of a trainer would be in the nuance, and was surprised at the pat on the head and call if you have a specific question approach. I did talk to our actual vet who is tremendous and she thinks that we can meld the group ourselves (dad thinks the trainer was intimidated because we already knew too much)...so stand by, I am sure momma will be asking our blog friends for support and reminders to be patient.

  14. Those hummingbird shots are SO COOL!! I always love the dog silhouettes too!

  15. We have hummers tooooo KB!
    Your photo is so beautiful. We have never been able to take a photo of one,, not with our slow poke camera.
    I love your meadow, and would love to walk its trails.
    Is that photo of K or R?

  16. What say you about blurry? Looks like a great photo to me! Funny how now I look at the trails you show as either "I could ride that" or "No way I could ride that!"


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