Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, July 29, 2011

Storms nipping at our heels

Storms have been nipping at our heels all week long. Even first thing in the morning, the columnus clouds have puffed up above the Divide.
Then, during my bike rides, clouds move in from all sides.
The high peaks spawn the storms which usually hit sometime after mid-morning.
I finished my bike rides in pleasantly chilling rain many days this week.
On some days, the sun would reemerge and dry the flowers like this Western Spiderwort (Tradescantia occidentalis) that I found blooming in a pocket meadow on a steep hillside. I'd never seen one before but I loved its delicate details.
We often hiked under ominous skies in the evenings this week. You can also see in the photo below how fast R's "brindling" is transforming his face. Today, a stranger questioned whether he was truly a Lab. An outrageous question, don't you think? R was mortified.
All of the storms and clouds have painted stunning sunsets.
You'll notice in my narrative that I'm continuing all my normal activities, except really hard alpine hikes (which are not "normal" for me), despite the intensified spine pain. Like my commenter, Marilyn, I find that staying active is the key to dulling the pain and preventing its escalation.
Many years ago, when my spine staged its first horrendous rebellion, my doctor prescribed bed rest. It was the worst thing that I could've done but I didn't have any wisdom about managing spine pain yet. I've learned, through trial and error, to keep moving, no matter what. Even after each of my spinal fusion surgeries, I've started nagging the nurses to let me try to walk the hospital halls within hours of waking up. I think that I was the nurses' worst nightmare patient but moving is my answer to pain!


  1. All of your pictures are so beautiful!! I find the questions of some people to be so stupid!! Is R a lab...please! You have to wonder...are they even thinking at all! I recently had a guy ask me if I had a "real" heart attack. I felt like hitting him upside his head! I know the feeling about pain...I have to keep moving...if I can get started, I am better off if I don't sit down. Just keep going! I hope your pain calms down soon. Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

  2. I think you should answer that R is a rare brindle Labrador and see what people say! :P I remember you saying the two reasons that are possible for him to develop the brindle fur, but I was curious to know if he has a recessive chocolate gene, and if that plays any role in what's happening with him.

    Your sunrises and sunsets are amazing, and that last shot should be in a gallery somewhere!

  3. Oh - those sunsets! A friends dog had seizures from eating mushrooms yesterday - is OK now. Be careful. They are really out at altitude because of all the moisture.

  4. Hopefully the beauty and tranquility that surrounds you is its own kind of pain relief. We are thankful that even in your discomfort you manage to enchant and delight us with your photos!

  5. Does the rain make your pain worse? Finally the medical community recognizes what you have known all along...bedrest is about the worst thing you can do for back pain.

    The clouds above the mountains and meadows are so beautiful.

  6. Hi Y'all,

    Love the first picture of K. Love the sunset pics...you have the most spectacular sunsets!

    As for Stupid people...the vet, who writes Pawcurious, wrote about hiking a trail with her Golden. The Golden was wearing a gentle leader. This man commented loudly that people shouldn't take dogs that need to wear a muzzle on a public trail. It took her a few minutes to realize this loud mouth was referring to her. Some of the readers gave her some good comebacks for future reference. Maybe someone reading about R will suggest something wittingly cutting for such naysayers.

    (Whatever happened to teaching children "if you can't say something nice, say nothing at all.")

    Our prayers are for your quick relief from pain...and R & K to continue on their respective paths of recovery.

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  7. Those sunsets are spectacular! I love the photo of K and R sitting side-by-side gazing into the distance.

    I'm glad you know what works to ease your pain. Even if it doesn't make it completely remove the pain, at least you know there's something you can do to help manage it. Wishing all of you a great weekend!

  8. Wow - look at those skies!!! Amazing what you share with us every day!!!

    Hope the moving around helps. I know this old body aches more and more if I sit too much. But I don't think I will be doing any alpine hikes:)

    Have a great weekend.

  9. Those skies are magnificent!

    I know it is not really the same as spinal issues, but I have asthma and sometimes when I am having problems with my lungs it helps to stay active. You would think the opposite would be true. When it is really bad, I do take it easy, but when it is moderate exercise does help.

    Kristin (Pip's assistant)

  10. I can hear your skys sing as if a symphony is being painted in the clouds. I can truly hear them!
    The meadow grasses,, I am almost postive I can smell the sweetness.
    Mother Earth is so sharing of her beauty,, and we are so happy you capture it for us.
    And K and R- you are so beautiful sitting together - looking at the wonders of your world.
    Those crazy humans to ask such a stupid question about R,,,, that is just bazar,,, do you know that once someone asked my moms,, if i was truly a pug????? stupid people!
    Keep moving KB,, you will beat the pain,, we are right with you all the way

  11. The stormy clouds over the high peaks are beautiful.

  12. That Western Spiderwort is gorgeous, with its cute, hairy stem contrasted against the delicate flower. I just have ordinary, everyday, you're too fat and too old arthritis, but I find the same thing to be true. You have to keep moving or else the hurt gets worse.

  13. Beautiful photos, as always. Like the one of the LABraduo, especially. I like the idea of R being an extremely rare "brindledore". We're so glad you keep moving!! Have a good weekend, KB!

  14. One way I always can tell I'm not getting enough exercise is that I start to get achy. We are getting our summer storms here too. Strangers can say the oddest things sometimes, poor R. :-)

  15. gosh those storm clouds are beautiful...
    Benny & Lily

  16. I remember the smell of Summer after an afternoon rain during some seasons passing through Colorado. Your pictures and words brought those smells back =)

    Love, love the picture of K and R! You framed them so well in the landscape and they both look so dignified.

    I've had a number of people ask me if Kona was a dog...

    Power-paws crossed for easing of your back pain. Your attitude and tenacity inspire.

  17. I can't stop looking at these beautiful pictures!!!

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