Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wordless Wednesday


  1. Oh, I wanna go, I wanna go!!! Such beautiful wildflowers, no wonder K is so content! Love the butterflies and the blue, blue skies!

  2. I can never pick favorites of your pictures! That first one of K with that blue sky is stunning, and I love the two butterflies. You make me want to just give up everything and move to the mountains, but then I see the snow pictures in May! lol

  3. Incredible photos!
    Noreen & Reggie-dog

  4. Bows to you, too, Miss K.

    Your pals,

    -Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

  5. We hope that means K is going with you, at least on some trips.

    Mogley G. Retriever

  6. Your photos just take my breath away - and don't the pups look great!!!

    We think we heard that same one big clap of thunder here last night too:)

  7. I am speechless, da fotos are amazing!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  8. Wordless is appropos...why gild what already has such impact?

  9. Looks like a beautiful summer day in the mountains. I don't see a hint of humidity in the air. :)

  10. The beauty that you live in would heal a wounded soul.

  11. Absolutely stunning photos. I hope K regains her full strength soon:-)

  12. Hi Y'all,

    Beautiful play bow K! I'd love to come play with you!

    My Human loves the butterflies!

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  13. You might have a lot of winter there when it sets in, but the flowers really put on a show when they bloom! I hope K is doing better. She looks happy posing there. :)

  14. They are all amazing pictures! I think the butterflies are my favorite!

  15. I love what Louise said

    "The beauty that you live in would heal a wounded soul."

    She is 100% right. What wonderful photos. And even if it is wordless Wednesday What is the name of the flower after the columbine.


  16. Oh my, that top picture is AMAZING. I think it may my favorite of yours!

    Your pal,Pip

  17. I would love to just sit in your forests and meadows,, and just feel the beauty! So beautiful... your world

  18. That last photo is just so real .

  19. Wow, I can't believe that first picture! K looks like she's in front of a backdrop. Must the way the light is hitting or something.

    Love those flowers. Simply beautiful. :)

  20. Stunning. At least all this rain is keeping everything so green. What a beautiful trail in the wildflowers.

  21. Great shots. The wild flowers are amazing.

  22. It has been an exhausting and stressful week for me, and the last photo is just so beautiful and I would love to just sit and clear my head! :-))) I hope all is well with you!!

  23. Your photos are breathtaking!!! I love all of them! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

  24. You asked about Quinn's Thyroid test...when he was in for treatment of the abscess last Monday, Dr. Julia drew blood to do a thyroid test at our request. They ran the test at their office and got no result. Odd, she thought so sent it out to be rerun at another Lab. No result again. So it is possible that Quinn has a totally nonfunctioning thyroid but before we jump to any conclusions or fear bigger issues, we are going to redraw blood when he is in for followup on abscess on Monday and we will see what the new tests turn up. Trying hard to not be scared for my gentle Mighty Quinn...and to not think c word! Will let you know.

  25. That top photo of K is really breathtaking! Love the orchid too! It's kind of hard for me to imaging that growing in the wild. Gorgeous!


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