Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Bears, bears, bears!

We've had bears, bears, bears, everywhere! We have had several ursine visits to our clearing, including one bear that K and I surprised as we headed out on a bike ride, but I'll save those stories and photos for another day.

I was incredibly excited to capture footage of a bear flipping over a boulder in the forest to search for grubs underneath it. This is typical bear foraging behavior. It was a small bear. I'm guessing that this bear is 1-2 years old and doesn't weigh a lot more than I do. Yet, he lifted a big rock and rolled it down the hill. The lift...
... and he's about to launch it down the hill so that he can investigate what lived underneath it.
I made a flipbook video of his exploits that you can view here or at Youtube.

Later that same day, a huge bear lumbered along a route routinely used by bears.
At my first camera set that he passed, he rubbed his fur against a bear whammy tree.
He walked at about 2 mph and passed my next camera set a mile later.
Then, he foraged in a gully that I have rigged for wildlife photos.
What a huge and gorgeous bear! He already looks fat enough for hibernation. It's been a great food year for bears in our area with abundant berries still hanging from bushes. We've had few "problem" bears in our specific area although, in western Colorado, a delayed berry crop has sent some bears looking for human food. Apparently, the berries are starting to emerge there so the problem should abate soon.


  1. Wow, that's a big size difference in the two bears! Imagine what size boulder that bigger one could move. It's good to see you back in blogland. I hope you and the dogs are healthy, and the internet is working better now. Have a great rest of the week!!

  2. I had to look at that first bear picture for a bit, because it looks a little like a person in a gorilla suit. I can definitely see the size difference in the two bears!

  3. Your wildlife cameras are awesome. I'm getting chills just looking at these images!

  4. What an amazing place; what a treat!

  5. Wow! Great to watch the smaller bear flip the boulder! Couldn't tell if bear actually enjoyed some grubs from the boulder rolling effort. Camping in Sequoia Nat. Forest there were some frequent bears. Here at home we have been seeing more cayotes and skunks!
    Your cameras really capture the bear intentions and paths!

    Sweet hugs,
    Sierra Rose

  6. Both bears are beautiful and their personalities definitely shine through.

    Your pal, Pip

  7. Your bears looklike they have had a better summer than ours. The mountain areas have been devastated by the drought then the fires and the wildlife is struggling so.

  8. Great catch of the bear rolling the rock over.

  9. We just love those flipbook videos you make. It didn't look the bear found much to munch on under that boulder.

    The second bear is huge!!! We hope that isn't the one you surprised on your bike ride:)

  10. What great fotos of dose bears!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  11. Where else can i come in the morning to see slow-motion boulder flipping by bears? The internet is a wonderful thing, and your blog is just outstanding. Thank you for this treat!

  12. Love that flipbook video. Watching that small bear move that boulder was amazing. And, that big bear? Amazing!

  13. That second bear is HUGE!

  14. Count me among those who enjoy your flip books and this little bear was especially fun to see.

    The big bear is gorgeous! Looks healthy and well fed. When do they go into hibernation? First part of October or earlier?

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo and Stella

  15. Hi Y'all,

    Whoa! That was fun to watch! Watch in the flip book that is.

    Y'all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  16. Great video-thanks for sharing. We're happy to know that there's still a decent amount of bears romping and rolling in the Rockies!

  17. Sounds like you have scouted the perfect route for your cameras. You know right where the animals will travel.

    We enjoyed a few fresh raspberries on the way up Cottonwood Pass yesterday. It did indeed seem kind of late in the year to still be finding berries!

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