Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Noble Coyote

Every morning, K and I head out onto the trails together. We see the daily changes, and there's no doubt that summer has begun its slow wane into autumn. I have to admit that the subtle signs make me want to cling to summer and never let it go. Of course, we don't suffer from the heat up at our elevation like so many of you do. We have a short, sweet, and not-too-hot summer. Those of us who live here year around revel in this glorious all-too-short season.

I spotted the last wild Columbine blooming on the trails that we regularly travel (the ones in our garden are still blooming with lots of buds still to open).
So, I took K to visit it. I wanted to get a photo of her and the flower without letting her trample the flower. This was the best that we could do (the flower is in the upper left).
On our way home from visiting the Columbine, we passed Hug Hill where I let K choose how to pose. She chose the "usual" majestic stump.
On Hug Hill, it was clear to me that the late summer flowers are taking over. This aster is a favorite of mine even though it heralds the start of the slide into autumn.
This gorgeous yellow flower is actually called "Gumweed". It need a new PR person to rename it!
Not only are the late summer flowers emerging but the berry bushes are weighted down with a banner crop. K and I have changed our routes a bit to avoid the areas with lots of berry bushes so that the bears can eat in peace.

All over the forest, I see signs that the bears are busily eating, eating, and eating some more. A favorite bear food is the pupae of ants. Those are the white larvae that the adult ants tend to very carefully because they are the next generation of the ant colony. A bear had traveled the same trail as K and I did this morning, and he'd flipped at least a hundred rocks, undoubtedly licking up the baby ants that he found under the rocks.
I've moved a wildlife camera to a berry-laden slope. So far, I've captured no bear photos even though I know that they've been on the slope. The problem with the berry slope is that it's wide open so the bears can travel any route that catches their fancy. Wide open terrain makes it hard to place a camera with high odds of getting bear photos. However, I did capture two beautiful photos of a coyote gazing down from the berry slope toward a trail used by humans.
I think that someone was on the trail based on his obvious interest in watching the trail. I doubt that the person had any idea that a wild animal was watching her.
I think that he looks noble and intelligent. I'm glad that this coyote is watching over our forest.


  1. When I see actual coyote photos, I always am surprised by how small they seem. In my imagination when I'm thinking of them, they seem so much larger, especially at night when we hear them singing across the cornfields.

    You know, normally I hate it when people start talking about the approach of fall, but this year, I'm ready for it! It means an escape from this infernal heat and a return to our hiking adventures, I hope!

    K makes even the blue sky more beautiful!

  2. You KNOW any post with a coyote is a favourite of ours!

    Of course, having such a great K pic is furry special as well!

  3. I'm having trouble processing the fact that we're already in the month of August. If I could cling to summer year-round I definitely would. The heat is much more bearable to me than the cold. I know many would disagree. The flower photos are lovely. No way would I call that yellow one a weed. It's too pretty. K is an excellent model as usual, and the coyote photos are really good. I learn learn something new every time I visit your blog. How interesting to think of a bear moving about flipping rocks in search of a treat!

  4. Coyotes are getting a bit crazy around here...aggressive
    Benny & Lily

  5. It's been very hot and humid here but I hate to see summer come to an end. Winter always seems to last too long. I love the pictures of the coyote! K is looking gorgeous too!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

  6. We are, of course, big fans of winter, so we are ready whenever it decides to come.

    We have a beautiful picture of a coyote in our den from one of our local wildlife photographers (Ed Kelly of Ridge Runner, you can google but his website seems to be somewhat neglected). I am always stunned at the majesty of the creature.

  7. I don't think you ever takes a bad foto! :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  8. You have such gorgeous flowers there, amazing that they just thrive in the wild. EVerything here is just burning up despite all the watering we try to do and the mega $$$ water bill that arrived today. We are so tired of this horrific heat, please send fall our way.

    Beautiful photos of the coyote. Wouldn't you just love to know what he was thinking as he watched the passerby?

  9. I'm not ready to think about the waning summer, but the schools here will start in two weeks. I love the coyote. We have a three-legged one living somewhere near us. Every time I see him I wonder what happened to his leg.

  10. I am in awe of how beautiful that coyote is.


  11. It seems that our summer is just begun. Yet sometimes in the early morning there is a feeling or a smell that reminds of a season lurking. But we have lots of summer left, and usually also an indian summer.
    I want to call "your flowers" (flowers) because they are so spectacular. They are too perfect.
    What a gift it is to be able to go and search for them and find them.
    I would just love to find flowers like that in the high country.
    That coyote was just gorgeous... and of course our beautiful K, looking magesitic as ever!
    What a beautiful summer

  12. Despite our remaining heat, we, too, are beginning to notice the waning of summer. The transition of colors and blooms tells only part of the story. Nights cool off quicker and the sunn is setting earlier.There is sort of a tawniness about the late afternoon. Your photos capture that all so well.

  13. Oh the coyotes! And the aster flower! And that chocolae girl!! Always a joy to visit you all!

  14. Dear KB
    You've given me such a life this morning with your news about waning winter...because it means that OUR spring season is just around the corner. I can't wait! Just 4 more weeks and then it will be with us.
    You beautiful pictures sealed the deal - wonderful reminders of the glorious times which are about to descend on us
    (You can always come and visit :))
    Sending lotsaluv to all of you.

  15. Oh gosh, just the mere mention of autumn gets me excited. It's my favorite season, by far. I haven't taken Marge to any where even remotely wild because of the ticks and the temperatures. In a month's time, I hope that will change.

    K is looking as majestic as ever in her characteristic stump pose. I am happy to see her so happy!

  16. What a handsome fellow that coyote is . For a European so exotic .

  17. I agree with Bunny. This coyote seems so little, but so powerful, too!

    Love that picture of K smelling the flower. Hope summers lasts many more months for you.

    Your pal, Pip

  18. I agree with Maggie Mae... all of your photos are always so beautiful!

  19. The Trickster! Beautiful animals, and so very smart.

  20. I love thinking of the coyote as The Trickster. They are beautiful to look at, and highly clever, but they have to be to avoid the shooters! I am not sure I would call them noble!

    Now K and R, they are very noble guys, I think.

    Cheers and hugs,


  21. I'm loving all the photos on your blog..simply stunning.
    I'll be perfectly happy not seeing a bear. Ever. ;)

  22. So good to meet you! I've heard so much about you all that I feel I know you already!
    I love your respect for the wilderness and it comes through your posts very clearly.
    Thanks for dropping by today.

  23. Yes, the first signs of fall always happen in the Maritimes on the 1st few days of August. The temp is cooler at night, the light has a different cast, the leaves are visible from the underside(due to winds flipping them up....and this is happening as I speak. Our summer was NOT a summer, spring was SUPER wet and now what's in store for fall...hurricane/s maybe...hope not! Love the K photo with the last columbine!

  24. Great photos once again, KB! It rained hard here in the night - all my Columbine in the garden are drenched but will soon slowly raise their heads to the sun.


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