Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday

Fairy Trumpet - a rare treasure in September

Mother bobcat climbs uphill

Baby bobcat lagged and missed the turn


  1. Oh no! I hope that Mom realized soon that baby got discombobulated, and turned around to find him/her.

    K looks fantastic!

  2. Maybe My Vickie and I should come out and help that baby find its mother......

    We volunteer.....


  3. A Fairy Trumpet - lucky you! I see your aspens are changing. We just returned to Breck and in the three days we were gone, the ones in our yard started to get golden.

  4. Sweet baby bobcat...I sense they weren't separated very long!

  5. I just upgraded from dial up internet to satellite. It is much much faster and I am SO excited to be able to see your beautiful photos more regularly!


  6. Who needs words with pics like these!!! We are betting Mom came back for that little one.

    We have some happy pups here tonight with temps headed down to 40 F overnight.

  7. OoH dat little bobcat kitteh is so cute, I sure hopes momma bobcat came back to find him/her.
    Beootiful fotos again, I must sound like a broken record. :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  8. Hi Y'all,

    all I can say is oooops!

    That could be dangerous missing the turn. Hope mamma cat retrieved the kitten.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  9. The long languid golden afternoons of Autumn's beginning just beg you to be outdoors and the slight chill at night makes us think about hearty stews simmering for dinner. Your photos capture that spirit.

  10. K should have a book of her own pictures somewhere! She is just gorgeous!

    That flower is just beautiful, too!

  11. I never tire of seeing your majestic mountains. And, of course, the flora and fauna that surrounds you.

  12. Baby bob cat is ADORABLE!

    Your pal, Pip

  13. I sure hope baby bobcat found his mom!
    He is so adorable!

  14. When my son was little, one of his favorite books was "Are You My Mother?" This little Baby Bob is going to be asking that all through the forest if he doesn't pay better attention!

    Loved the first pix with K, just beautiful! And the trumpet flower!

    Cheers and hugs,
    Jo and Stella

  15. on top of the world..beautiful
    Benny & Lily

  16. The Fairy Trumpet is beautiful as are all the other photos.
    That sweet little baby kitty, I hope founds its mama.
    K is so beautiful as she gazes across the mountains.
    nitey nite

  17. Love that pic of the bobcat. He's a cutie!!

  18. Cute little kitten - hope he got reunited with his mommy!!


  19. Oh, those last two photos are so funny! And I say that only because I've seen lost babies in the wild refind their mom when they didn't pay attention and got off trail.

    The portrait of K and the fairy trumpet are magnificent, too.

  20. Beautiful top pic - almost looks like a painting!


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