Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 9, 2011

A brighter outlook

We are emerging from a dark period, still unsure of what the future holds, but happy that both K and I are, at the moment, feeling better than we were a few days ago. We're still grieving over our friend J but we're trying to live with his joyful spirit guiding us.
During the dark period when K was sick and I was both in pain and sick, we had a couple of days of rain. We are spoiled here in Colorado with 300 sunny days per year - so we are shocked and dismayed when it rains *all* day.
However, I must admit that the rain does paint pretty pictures.
During the rainy dark days, a fawn visited a wildlife camera and glittered with raindrops. Doesn't she look as innocent as Bambi with her huge soft eyes?
As the rain stopped, we started getting some good signs. K's cultures of her urinary tract turned up clean so we will try, for the sixth time since April, to take her off of antibiotics next week. If she immediately gets sick again as has happened the last five times, it will be time for some serious tests.
My back, neck, and leg pain has eased enough that I can function again. But, I have an MRI scheduled so I'll be forced to find out what's happened inside my spine since my last MRI. I've had many spine MRI's in my life, and I don't ever remember the news being good - not even once. But, perhaps it will be decent enough that I can avoid surgery for a while longer. In the meantime, I'll keep enjoying the forest in my favorite style.
I try to imitate K. She never complains about her loss of a toe or her UTIs. A dog's spirit is unfathomably strong.
In fact, today, K was so excited about mountain biking with me that, when we reached my planned turnaround point, she refused. I've shortened her mountain bike rides with me this summer due to her paw and her UTIs. But, today, K put her paw down and said that we were "going for it"! Her enthusiasm convinced me to venture over to the vast aspen groves that sit a decent distance from our house. She was right - we had a blast!
Tomorrow, I'll post some wild cat updates for the bobcat mother and kitten, and for a much bigger kitty. As you'll see, it's good that Bambi was vigilantly looking over her shoulder.


  1. Hi Y'all,

    So glad y'all are feeling better and we'll keep paws crossed and say some prayers that there's good news on the MRIs.

    That portrait of K in the first shot is stunning. The other favorite is the trail through the aspen grove. Wish we could travel it. Guess we'll settle for vicariously.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  2. We're thinking of you and wishing all the best on the MRI front.


  3. Run Bambi, run!
    I hope the MR goes well.....and K continues to do well!
    Once again, dogs always know the fun to be had! Such beautiful images!

  4. I'm thrilled to hear that you and K are both feeling better! :) Sometimes going for it is just what you need!

    Bambi looks like she just stepped out of an enchanted forest with those dew drops sparkling on her!

  5. Everyones thoughts are with you as you as your scheduled MRI comes closer. We of course hope for the best news possible.
    The rain drops kissed your forest with hope, both for you and K.
    We love the photo of K walking down the trail.
    And yes,, hoping Bambi keeps her eyes peeled for danger.
    We are crossing our paws that the dark days and brigtened with a sunbeam.

    ps.. yes KB,, its my forest that is threatened,, but my heart feels for all forests.

  6. Carpe Diem is so appropriate for both you and K. Both of you are courageous women. Here's hoping this upcoming MRI breaks tradition and isn't bad news.

    Fingers and paws crossed here that K's infection is finally gone for good.

  7. Great photos, KB - glad to see you and your Girl are at it again. That grove of aspens is my favorite!

  8. If we are picking favorites, I choose the one with K standing on the rock with the incredible backdrop and the water on the flower and the water on the leaf and and and.....well as usual I love them all.

    My Vickie and I are sending all the best get well vibes we can. We are very worried for you.

    Go easy.....


  9. Paws crossed for both of you. Jed was also on antibiotics from the beginning of April until the end of August with what turned out to be an antibiotic-resistant infection, so he and K have sort of been on a parallel journey. He finally seems to be healing and was finally able to get off the antibiotics.

    We've just read your last few posts. We're so sorry for the loss of your friend, J.

    Jed & Abby

  10. I'm glad to hear that you and K are feeling better. I hope that K does well off of the antibiotics this time. Fingers crossed!! Good luck with your MRI too. Good news this time I hope!!

  11. Here is to good things coming for you and K. The MRI for you, the antibiotics end for K. Thoughts and prayers be with you both.

    I love the "big face" pic of K and you scooting down the path on your bike.

    Cheers and hugs,
    Jo and Stella

  12. I'm very glad that you are feeling somewhat better, and I will keep my fingers crossed that the MRI is good. That little fawn is adorable, and, oh my, the beauty of the aspen grove!

    A question I thought of, about all of your wildlife cameras. Do any of the researchers know about what you do with all of them scattered around your area? I would think that the pictures might be valuable to somebody, especially the bears, and the cougars with collars.

  13. We have not been visiting much of late as #1 is getting busier by the day. So we only read today about J and wanted to convey our condolences. What a wonderful, soulful dog!

    Glad you and K are both better. We just love the "paw down" shot, and all the others too!

  14. I am so sorry to hear about your friends passing. We will pray for your and K's comfort.


  15. Well, I was reading out of order. Glad both of you ladies are feeling better. Sending good thoughts about the upcoming tests for both of you.

    I love that K "put her paw down"and insisted on going further! I can just see her!

  16. Praying that this time you get good news from your MRI.

  17. So relieved you are feeling better and that you and K are able to take longer rides. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers as you await the MRI results.


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