Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Spring beauty in September

First and most important, thank you so very much for your heartfelt comments yesterday. They meant the world to me as I'm going through this rough patch. You all have hearts of gold.

I didn't have the energy to put together a post about climbing Imogene Pass on my mountain bike (but I did prepare and upload the photos - so I'll write the post soon).

I had a quiet day, trying to find my footing. K and I spent some time in the forest this morning, and she was full of zip!
K has been following me around the house, keeping vigil over me. Every time I look up, her golden eyes gaze back at me. Sometimes I wonder if I really deserve such a wonderful dog by my side. I'm not a perfect person - not even close. Yet, my sweet K showers me with love anyway.

During our short ride this morning, we saw a typical sight for September 2. An aspen leaf had turned yellow, a harbinger of the autumn days ahead.
We also saw a very odd sight for September 2. In my garden, a new Columbine had blossomed. It seemed poignant, like a message from the universe to me to stay hopeful.
The beauty of spring in September...


  1. What beautiful things you find! I love the thought of a Columbine blooming on the same day as the first golden Aspen leaf.

    Let's face it, none of us are worthy of our dogs! They'd all make much better people than we are. We're just lucky that they love us anyway!

  2. I think the Columbine is a sign to continue to look for the beauty and find strength in it. Continue to feel better and know that I'm sending positive thoughts in your direction! Enjoy your weekend!

  3. I missed stoppin' by yesterday but I want you to know dat I am sendin' you extra boxer puppy prayers and I hopes you is feelin' better today. :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  4. Hi Y'all,

    Life is made up of moments, not minutes, hours or days. When you look through your memories it is the little things, the moments in time that we remember. Your camera has so beautifully captured so many of your moments and moments shared with Runner, K and R.

    God has given us all this beauty to appreciate and we miss so much of it as we rush through life.

    Our prayers are with you and Hawk is keeping his paws crossed for K.

    Have a relaxing weekend.

    BrownDog's Human

  5. You have so much beauty around you and I really admire your ability to catch it like you do! Please have a great weekend, rest and feel better. Sending lots of prayers your way. Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

  6. You've got the best attitude..I'm so impressed :)

  7. I think our dogs see the best in us, sometimes things we don't even see ourselves!

  8. Dogs just seem to have a way with us fragile humans that helps us see ourselves through their eyes.

    Paw prayers for you and K.

    And a beautiful Columbine for hope.

  9. There is unexplainable bond that happens between a dog and a human.
    They can read our hearts without a word being said.
    K is very wise.
    I love the new Columbine... so gorgous,, so full of hope,,,,
    just for you

  10. ~~~~~ I spoke to Sophie today and she decided positive healing ~~~~~ vibes necessary and were on their ways over the land, lakes and mountains to you. K will take of you as you with her. Sophie does that with us....we all are so fortunate to have our dogs in our lives. Heal, my friend and drink in the beauty of your world and thanks for sharing!

  11. Thanks for reminding us what a beautiful gift a dog is...
    Much strength to you!

  12. May that resurgence of the beauty of Spring warm your heart in this period of stress. Sometimes dogs like K seem almost human, don't they?

  13. You have such a gift to be able to draw strength and peace from the beauty of your world. (We, fortunately get to share it!) Please know that you are in our thoughts. And thank Miss K from us for taking such good care of you.


  14. You said that yesterday you had a quiet day trying to find your footing! That is just everyday for me! Profound deafness does this to me, I get the stumblies and I have to be careful. Hold my hand and maybe we'll make it!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo and Stella

  15. How cool to see a columbine this late in the year! I, too, have noticed a leaf or two every once in a while that knows the month has changed. Gold is coming...

    Hope you are feeling better today.


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