Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A symbolic rainbow

All of the outdoor photos were taken during a hike last Friday shortly after we visited with our closest furry friend, a Chocolate Lab named J, a tall, elegant, and incredibly handsome dog who had a special bond with K.
He helped raise R, his joyful spirit reveling in R's rambunctious puppy play.
Although we knew that the end of J's long life was drawing near, we didn't know that he would cross the Rainbow Bridge the very next morning after we saw him on Friday. In retrospect, the rainbow, coyote, and dramatic sunset that the Duo and I saw that evening seem symbolic.

These photos are in chronological order from our hike just after we parted ways with J and his humans.

Look for the rainbow.

My friend always told me that J would protect my K from the coyotes or other unseen dangers when I was worried. A coyote watched us peacefully that evening.

K contemplated the universe - its beauty and sorrow.

R and K contemplated together.

And, the stunning sunset on the last evening of J's life. Rest in peace, my furry friend.

Few dogs have touched my heart like J did. Our whole family, human and canine, is grieving. But, when his smiling face appears in my mind's eye, I can't help but smile. He never failed to make me grin.


  1. I am so sorry for Jimmy's loss! I hope that his passing was peaceful. It sounds like he had a perfect last day filled with beauty and wonder. We should all be so fortunate. Our hearts go out to all who love and miss him!

  2. A wonderful tribute to J, KB - what glorious photos to celebrate the end of his life.

  3. Our hearts go out to you and "J's grieving family. He sure was a beauty.

    And once again, thanks so much for these gorgeous photos.

  4. What a beautiful tribute to a dear friend.....rip J....

  5. And then J made his way west, and by Sunday he was casting beautiful rainbows over our canyon and watching over all of us on our magical hike that afternoon. So long, beautiful J.

  6. Our deepest sympathies to you and to J's family. What a wonderful tribute to a beautiful dog who was so loved.

  7. I do believe all these things connect and leave us a messge. Lovely tribute to J.

  8. Are ya trying to rip my heart out.....


    A life in heaven well earned Dear J.

    My Vickie

  9. What a wunderful tribute to your sweet furiend J. Mom and me is so very sorry fur your loss. We will say a prayer fur all of you tonight...

    Maggie Mae and mom

  10. What a perfect tribute to your friend J. So sorry for his loss. We didn't even know him, but your words and your photos make us smile too.

  11. Hi Y'all,

    So sorry to hear about J.

    What a beautiful sunset. Y'all have some magnificent ones!

    Our deepest sympathy,
    Hawk aka BrownDog and Humans

  12. I am so sorry to read about your friend. It is nice that you were able to see him one last time and that your trip back home was so very symbolic of him. How wonderful that you could have those beautiful moments.

  13. I am sorry to hear about loosing your friend. What beautiful photos for a tribute and they do seem very fitting. Before Cavaliers I owned labs - a few blacks and a blonde. My dream was for the 3rd to be a brown but for whatever reason I decided it was time for a smaller breed. Labs are a wonderful breed.

  14. Heartfelt condolences to all who loved J. He will ready a place for you at the Bridge.


  15. Dear KB
    This tribute to J is so beautiful.
    What a wonderful friend and protector he was to all of you.
    We are sad with you and his family.
    As I look at all the photo's, and yes I see the rainbow......
    I know that Mother Earth took J in the palm of her hands and and held him close, as she celebrated the wonderful life of J, painting the sky with color in an awsome display.
    We wrap our paws around you and his family.. with a circle of love.

  16. Soft woos of comfort and understanding to you as you mourn the passing of such a noble friend. We ask the Universe to make J's journey over the Bridge swift and that his family's grief be tempered with warm loving memories and love. Peace to you all.

  17. A beautiful tribute to J! My heart goes out to you everyone who was close to J.

  18. What a beautiful tribute to J. So glad you were able to visit him, he must have been waiting for your call. And then thanked you afterwards with the beautiful signs afterwards.

    Paw prayers for you, your family and J's family. :)

  19. Lovely post . Amazing how a ray of sunlight always seems to pierce the clouds as goodbyes are said.

  20. Aww so sad about J. But we all must go some day. Good that he had had a long happy life.


  21. Rest in peace, J. It sounds like you were very well loved. The Bridge will be a better place for having you there.

  22. So sad.....sending lots of good vibes
    Benny & Lily
    Pee S. Wonder if we saw the same rainbow

  23. Bless you J! Wishing peace and comfort to you and J's family too. xo

  24. Kia ora KB,
    A beautiful tribute, and the day itself reflected that. It is sad the way western grief seems to be so stoic and short lived. Honouring the spirits and the aroha of our loved ones never ends. Kia kaha to the family of J and your own e hoa.


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