Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Unbridled joy

We have a favorite spot, a little lake that sits at around 10,000'. The best part is that it has no trails that go to it. We hike cross-country (a relatively short distance) to visit it year after year. We call it "Dog Leap Lake". Can you figure out the origin of the name from the next photo? Look for the stick flying through the air above the trees.
Since there are no trails that go to this lake and it doesn't appear on any "recreational" topo maps, we always have it all to ourselves. Our dogs adore it.
I laugh and giggle as I watch them frolicking. The unbridled joy of a Lab Duo playing in the water is unmatched.
Every dog who has ever been part of our pack, except for Rover who died before we moved to Colorado, has visited this lake. As our dogs played with this stick, I wondered whether it was the same stick as our previous dogs had fetched many years ago. Probably not - but it was a wonderful thought.
As the sun started dropping toward the horizon, it was time to hike out across high elevation meadows dotted with ponds that are still being fed by melting snowfields.
This day was part of our celebration of K's birthday. We believe that you can never celebrate a wonderful dog too much!


  1. I agree on that last sentiment. What a beautiful place! You are so blessed to have it near you, and I am betting the dogs absolutely love it. I think the definition of joy in the dictionary should have their picture there next to it.

  2. What a wonderful celebration. I have never met a dog that enjoyed life as much as a lab.

    Mango Momma

  3. My cuzins Archie and Reggie play wif sticks like K&R do! Labs sure know how to have fun!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  4. I cannot imagine a much more perfect or more gorgeous place to continue to celebrate a dogs birthday or their lives with you!!

  5. Wow, look at that glorious last photo!!!

    K and R sure do look like they are having a blast. The pups here want to move to your place for their birthday celebrations:)

  6. The Duo look so strong with the stick in their mouths...fantastic shot as they charge through the water.

  7. AWESOME~~ pics and post!! Labs do know how to have fun and enjoy the water. This post took our M's breath away with it's beauty and K & R having such a pawsomely fantastic time at their lake (& yours)

  8. What a beautiful place! Happy celebrating!

    Your pal, Pip

  9. the lake is absolutley beautiful, so clear
    Benny & Lily

  10. Khousin Merdie wishes she could have celebrated at such a GReat place!

    Golden OR Labrador, RETRIEVERS love water and sticks!

  11. I can see why that would be one of your favorite spots!
    What a beautiful way to celebrate K:)
    The duo looks so happy playing with that stick, it brought a HUGE smile to my face:)

  12. The photograph of the dog leaping into the water is priceless. Our two dogs must always have the same stick as well. (I'm a bit ashamed that when we moved, we actually brought along three of their favorite sticks.)

  13. What a beautiful lake!! The leap picture is great.

  14. And what a wonderful celebration for two such wonderful dogs!

    There is definitely nothing better than 2 labs in water! What a beautiful spot.

  15. Every time I look at your pictures, I am ready to pack up and move to the mountains!!!!

  16. You really can't celebrate a wonderful dog too much!! These pictures brought a giant smile to my droopy face. Thanks, KB!

  17. I can jsut feel how happy K and R are ----- as they frolic and play!
    The water looks a little cold, but I can tell it does not bother them.
    What a beautiful pair they are.
    The photos,, are just too beautiful for words..
    Yes, celebrate each day,, celebrate the moments forever

  18. That second photo is a stunner ! Guess dogs know that if you're going to experience joy it might as well be unbridled.

  19. Love the leaping shot. Nice to have your own secret spot.

  20. Everyday is a day to celebrate! That's what our dogs teach us! Lovely images!
    Hope your pain is at a manageable level....

  21. This brings new meaning to living a dog's life! I'd trade with them! XO

  22. They look so happy, running and jumping through the water. Another wonderful celebration day.

    I can't get over the idea that you almost have your own private lake. And what a beauty of a lake it is.

  23. Always great to have some secret spot just for you and your canine pals.

  24. How beautiful! I wish we could bring the boys to a place like that!


  25. A breathtaking visit to Happyland! I love those photos of the dogs splashing in the water, especially the first one!

  26. Pawesome photos! It's such a beautiful place for K and R to celebrate.

    Happy Birthday K!

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie

  27. Hi Y'all,

    You're right about celebrating...with each passing year we stretch the celebrations more and more.

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  28. Makes me yearn to be right there, swimming and grabbing sticks along side K & R. Celebrating K's birthday in the best place imaginable!


  29. I can see why that's a favorite spot. What a view!! Great photos of the dogs, and you're so right about celebrating your wonderful K!

  30. That place looks terrific. And, let's all just pretend that is the same stick.

  31. What a splashing good time for a celebration! That last photo takes my breath away!


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