Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

In the dark of night...

And, in the brightness of an autumn day...


  1. We have SO missed your wonderful posts! THANK YOU for reminding us of the extra beauty that surrounds us at this time of year.

  2. colors are beautiful..mom misses the change in seasons
    Benny & Lily

  3. Great photos!! I'm going to love your autumn scenery!

  4. You have such vivid Fall colors already! Every shot is just beautiful! I still say that Autumn is K's season.

  5. Oh my gosh, those colors are breathtaking! They almost don't look real!

    Your pal, Pip

  6. Great shots of those mule deer....just can't help but like those big ears!

    You had asked on my blog about whether we have western or eastern coyotes...but I actually don't know for certain. I've just always assumed they were western, but could be wrong. The western part of the state is just on the edge of the "great plains" and the eastern part of the state is more deciduous forest....could work for either western or eastern coyotes. I don't have any of my books at home with me right now (all in the office), and I'm not even sure if any of them (like Feldhammer's Wild Mammals of North America) lists the range for these sub-species or not.

    I'll have to look into it!

  7. Wow! Those yellows look like they light up the sky more than the sun!!

    Love the landscape photo with K and the yellow spots all through the green. Very cool!!

  8. Always like your scenic view shots.

  9. The shot of K and the one below..WOW!!!

  10. How lucky we are that you share your fotos wif all of us.

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  11. Wow that deer has some large ears!!

  12. Our Mom sure does love your photos. The colors are fantastic and when M visits your posts and sees all the pics of animals and seeniks and K & R she is almost speechless sometimes. We have heard her say that being in and seeing places like that "renew her soul"..Us we just like the sniffs.

  13. Oh, I see why they are called mule deer. Beautiful girl, and the ears just add a certain something to it. It certainly has turned into Fall quickly out there.

  14. Since we aren't able to take a trip, I've enjoyed an escape to your beautiful world as we are just seeing a hint of fall here!

  15. This has been such a phenomenal autumn. I wonder if it will end this week, with the high winds and chance of snow...


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