Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Live with the joy of a dog

Do you ever wish that you could freeze time? I often feel that way in the autumn, as the very last wildflowers bloom in the midst of changing leaves.
As the leaves change color and hang golden in the cerulean sky, I want to freeze them in place so that they don't fall to the ground.
As we have our last warm days of swimming and playing in the mountains for this year, I wish that I had the power to stop time like the camera shutter did, showing us the individual drops of water flying through the air in the photo below.
Alas, we can only be certain that we have today, and I'd like to seize it with the enthusiasm and joyfulness of our dogs.
Dogs don't worry about the fact that they're getting a few gray furs on their faces. They're happy in the moment, not worrying about how short days, seasons, and lives are.
And, dogs don't stop for a melancholy moment watching brilliant aspen leaves wash away in a trickling stream.
Rather, dogs leap in the stream and have fun today! I need to learn how to live like a dog.


  1. I could benefit from living more like a dog too. :-) Beautiful leaves. Ours are just starting to turn and should be at their peak in a couple weeks.

  2. I completely agree! I wish I could live inside each of your photos! Absolutely beautiful colors, and is it just my imagination or is the sky bluer this time of year than any other?

    I am so glad I have the dogs here to remind me to stop and enjoy the little things around us!

  3. oh my word, mom loves those trees. Now you have her oooooing and aawwwwwing
    Benny & Lily

  4. I've been watching as Gizmo deals with his illness that he doesn't know he has. The other day I looked out into the back yard and saw him sunbathing. I said, "oh, Gizmo, you're taking a sunbath!" In a few minutes he got up and walked further into the backyard to pee or poop. I realized he'd walked as far as he could, laid down to rest, and then got up and continued on. No judgement, no frustration, no "geez, I used to be able to..." He was just happily in the moment. I went and gave him a huge hug.

    By the way, KB. Nice pictures today... Have I mentioned that autumn is my favorite season?

  5. Such brilliant and vibrant pictures again today!! You've written about one of things I love about dogs--How they live in the moment and don't take the burdens of the past into the moments ahead. I wish I could learn to do that, but I have trouble letting go--Maybe someday I'll be able too!!

  6. We could all learn a thing or two from dogs about the right approach to life. I wish I could stop the beautiful leaves from falling too. Lovely photos!

  7. Yep, we humans at Pip's house agree! This was a beautiful post - both the words and photos!

    Pip's peeps

  8. We were out hiking in the brisk weather today and I was thinking the very same thing. You said it so well and with drop-dead photographs.

  9. I think it would be wonderful to live the life of R or K:) Beautiful post, beautiful message.

  10. Hi KB
    We feel like you do.... don't you just feel like you want to take it all in,, let it sink to your soul and feel it every moment... after all,, the moment is what we are feeling.
    Your photos are so beautiful.. and we feel each one you post.
    Thank you for capturing the moment.

  11. You've caught the joy in the two faces so well and generated a lot of smiles around the world !

  12. As always: I agree with Angus - and you sure have in mine. love EM

  13. Wow, this is so beautiful in every way. Love the leaves in the water and the pup with water drops flying--breathtaking!

  14. Such gorgeous images! I agree! To live in the moment, without distraction...we can learn so much from our dogs!

  15. You're right about living in the moment - such the right thing to do...!!!

    Lovely picture of the leaves in the stream....


  16. It's a lesson we could all learn from our companions.

  17. Oh Yes...Doggy Power to the nth degree..they know exactly how to have fun and to coerce one into having fun. Just looked up at our European Ash beside the deck which is so much like your 2nd pic...those colours...mmm and the water droplets trailing through the air courtesy R...Sophie did the very same thing the other day on our walk to the canal...only thing my camera didn't capture it...thanks for this!

  18. Glorious shots of fall today, KB! I love R air writing with water droplets! The leaves in the stream remind me of fall's transience.

  19. Beautiful photos & sentiments! I don't have a dog, too hard & unfar to keep trapped in a 2nd floor condo.

  20. "I need to learn to live like a dog." You and me both sister. gorgeous shots. love the water droplet shot. perfect example of freezing time. it's why i prefer photos to videos too...

  21. The water drop shot is awesome.

  22. These photos are all so outstanding. My fav, though, is K with the water drops. Awesome, once-in-a-lifetime shot!

  23. PS: Forgot to mention how wonderful your attitude and message are in this post. Very timely.


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