Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Autumn to Winter

Morning light on aspens and K

Look what we found. It's hunting season here...

Autumn's leaf frozen in stream

Snowy mountains, yellow aspens, and K

2000' higher:  wintertime

Dusk high in the mountains

Wide-eyed K


  1. Not a single one of those shots needs a word! I am truly in awe. You capture the beauty of everything!

  2. I agree with Bunny! I can almost feel the chill in the air in those last, beautifyl pictures.

    Your pal, Pip

  3. That first photograph of K gives such an insight into her love and trust in you. Print and frame it.

  4. Hi Y'all,

    Oh K! Those eyes!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  5. What can we say other than absolutely beautiful!!!

  6. look at that cute face! Yikes, make sure mom doesn't sit on her bike
    Benny & Lily

  7. Just beautiful! Very nice captures:)

  8. Once again, well done my friend!!!! Amazing photos!!!! Just amazing!

  9. It is always a pleasure to end my day here.
    Happy Wednesday my furiends. :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  10. We are starting to see snow in the Mountains are here!

    Stop on by for a visit!

  11. Wow! Can't believe how much snow is on those mountains!! Love those half and half shots. Won't be long before the flurries start! :)

    And K, well she always looks stunning!

  12. You have captured the Transition so perfectly.

  13. OMG stunning - I love that last photo of K :):) Fall is definitely may favorite season (winter is my 2nd favorite).

  14. You capture the two seasons fabulously! Luv the frozen leaf :D

    Waggin at ya,

  15. Not a word needed..your photos paint the clearest views into your world.
    We're so lucky to share it with you!

  16. All the photos are wonderful! To pick a favorite would be the last one, Wide Eyed K and also the 2000' foot higher mountains and lake. Just exquisite!

    Hope you are doing fine after your marathon MRI!

    Jo and Stella

  17. I love the color the aspens.... so gorgeous.

  18. The changing of the seasons... hate to see autumn go so quickly, but if it stayed around all year, it probably wouldn't be as special.

    I really love the frozen leaf shot!

  19. The frozen leaf shot mirrors how I'm feeling today--I hope you've had a good day and all is well!!

  20. Your photos of K always show her personality so well - she's always focused on you! I love the leaf in ice - it says a lot about our change of season here in CO. We had an Indian Summer day (with snow on the ground) here in Breck.

  21. Oh,, just what we needed was to see your beautiful photos KB.
    It looks so cold already! How can it be?
    I wish I was there to hike all around your world with you.. I know we would have fun together.
    And I would also like to camp in that meadow at the 2000 ft level..
    A nice tent, sleeping bag, campfires and marshmellow.. just what I need
    nitey nite

  22. Beautiful photos! I like that frozen leaf. It's not that cold here yet, but I know it's coming. K has the most beautiful eyes!!


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